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Wrap it up: Employee loses job after head scarf dispute

Deborah Yehudah joined the University of Georgia (UGA) as a cafeteria worker in July 2005. Yehudah received a copy of the university dress code, which restricted allowable hair restraints to hairnets and UGA food service hats or baseball caps …

Moonlighting may not disqualify employee from CFRA leave

Do you have employees who work for you full time, but also work elsewhere part time? If so, a recent California Supreme Court decision may affect how you handle requests for California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave …

Check bankruptcy filings for possible ‘Get out of jail’ card

Employees who have been fired or otherwise lose their jobs frequently encounter financial problems and end up in bankruptcy court. If the employee doesn’t list a pending EEOC or lawsuit claim against his former employer, the bankruptcy court may miss important assets and discharge the debts …

Open inquiry protects against firing bias

Coca-Cola fired Dudley Thompson, who is black and from Jamaica, for not following company protocol when he went on vacation to the island—he failed to put his vacation request in writing and arrange for shift coverage …

Don’t let one rogue manager brand you an age discriminator

Even if an employer has a good history of avoiding age discrimination in hiring, it can be sued for age discrimination if a reduction in force disproportionately affects older workers. Generally good hiring practices don’t prove that no discrimination occurred when drawing up the RIF list …

Must you give employees Sundays off for ‘TV church’?


If employees ask for Sundays off from work for religious reasons, must they attend services in an actual church or synagogue that day? A new court ruling clarifies that the answer is “no” …

OK to fire and then investigate—But be consistent

It’s legitimate to discipline or fire employees who behave badly. But employers that mandate suspension or termination for rule violations must apply the policy to everyone who violates the same rule. Then they should follow up with a prompt and thorough investigation into exactly what happened …

Evenly enforce policy prohibiting employee fraternization

If, like some companies, you have a policy forbidding dating or relationships between supervisors and hourly employees, make sure you enforce the rule consistently …

Investigative finger points back at accuser? It’s OK to fire

Sometimes, a sexual harassment or other discrimination complaint ends up revealing more about the person complaining than it does about the alleged offense. If you conduct a fair, impartial and prompt investigation and discover that the problem is with the person making the complaint, you can take action …

You can require FMLA certification form directly from doctor

Are you concerned about possible FMLA abuse? The law and FMLA regulations allow employers to insist on receiving FMLA certification forms directly from a health care provider’s office—and not by way of the employee. That way, there’s little chance the employee can alter what the doctor has certified …