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Ohio state troopers accused of cheating are fired


The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) fired 12 state troopers in September for allegedly cheating on an exam that certifies police officers to administer breath-alcohol sensing tests to suspected drunken drivers …

By The Numbers: Expertise walks away


Employers are dragging their feet when it comes to capturing the knowledge of soon-to-retire baby boomers …

Prayer breaks may be reasonable accommodation


Gone are the days when employers could accommodate employees’ religious practices by being flexible about who worked Saturdays and Sundays. Today, employers may have to offer additional prayer breaks in the middle of the workday, too …

Keep careful track of ADA conversations


Trying to come up with a reasonable accommodation for a disabled employee? Need more information on her limitations before you can look for possible open positions that may allow her to work? Make sure someone takes charge of coordinating the process so nothing falls through the cracks …

Solid policy, prompt responses to bias complaints can prevent lawsuits


New York state law prohibits discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation. Employers can protect themselves from needless discrimination lawsuits by introducing a robust anti-discrimination policy and a clear and effective process for resolving complaints. Acting fast is the key …

Understand New York’s new WARN Act—it’s tougher than federal law


New amendments to the New York Labor Law now mean New York employers face tougher layoff notification requirements under state law than they do under federal law. The NYWARN Act, which takes effect Feb. 1, 2009, imposes requirements in addition to those mandated by the federal WARN Act …

REDA provides whistle-blower protection during some internal investigations, too


Until recently, it was unclear whether reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions to an internal auditor or another responsible party was “protected activity” under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA). Now a federal court has decided that REDA may cover internal reports …

Good news: EEPA does not include retaliation claims


North Carolina employers have one less thing to worry about: A federal trial court recently decided the North Carolina Equal Employment Practices Act (EEPA) does not allow employees to file separate retaliation claims on top of initial discrimination complaints …

Fired state ethics whistle-blower fights back


Amanda Thaxton, a former office assistant at the North Carolina State Ethics Commission, has filed a whistle-blower lawsuit claiming she was fired in retaliation for speaking with the State Auditor’s Office about possible protocol violations …

Driver fired, radio station staffer charged after on-air bus prank


Charlotte-Mecklenburg school officials filed criminal charges against a radio station staffer who hopped a middle school bus one morning as an on-air stunt. The bus driver who agreed to participate in the drive-time drama was fired …