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Use the calendar-year method to tame the intermittent FMLA leave beast


Employees who take intermittent leave can wreak havoc with work schedules. Because their conditions can flare up at any time, their absences are by nature unpredictable. But there are ways you can legally curtail intermittent leave. One way is to use the calendar-year method to set FMLA leave eligibility.

Take it seriously when employee yells, ‘Stop!’


Employees who suffer reprisals after complaining about possible discrimination or harassment can sue for retaliation. But they can do so only if they can show they “engaged in protected activity”—that is, that they told their employer about the alleged discrimination or harassment.

Court: State can ban convicted abusers from working in schools


Over the past few years, the Florida Legislature has enacted a growing list of restrictions on who can come onto school property. One state law bars anyone convicted of child abuse from school premises.

Have counsel review arbitration agreement


Do you use an arbitration policy to resolve workplace disputes? If so, it pays to have your attorney review that agreement to make sure it meets Florida contract law standards—especially if you operate in several states and use the same agreement for each location.

Warn managers: No negative comments on FMLA


Anxiety about the economy and job prospects may adversely affect some employees, especially those prone to stress-related illnesses or whose physical problems flare up when working long hours. As a result, you may see an increase in requests for FMLA leave. Be careful not to criticize employees for trying to exercise their FMLA rights …

Cutting senior staff to save salary costs? Check impact on older workers


One way to reduce your labor budget is to terminate staff members who are paid the most and replace them with employees who earn less. But be careful before you implement a layoff based on seniority.

HR must step up as economy takes a tumble


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of U.S. employers expect to make layoffs in the next 12 months—if they haven’t already done so. However, most companies are focusing on increased employee communication and smaller cost-saving measures.

Changing employment contract? Get agreement in writing


If some of your employees work under an employment contract that sets salary and other terms, be careful about changing anything. While you may need to cut salaries during tough economic times, doing so without getting a written modification is risky.

Include clear nonsolicitation language in agreement


Don’t be shy about restricting employees from stealing customers when they leave. Your best bet is to include specific language and examples of the sort of solicitation you want to ban.

FGCU discrimination settlement unsettles athletics department


Carl McAloose, the former Florida Gulf Coast University athletic director, said it only took him “about five seconds” to decide to resign after he heard the university had agreed to settle with Holly Vaughn, former women’s golf coach, and Jaye Flood, former women’s volleyball coach.