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‘At-will’ clause doesn’t turn contractor into employee


Do your independent-contractor agreements include a clause that allows either you or the other party to terminate the relationship at will, without stating a cause? If so, rest easy …

Don’t fear conflicting reviews show discrimination


Sometimes, employees work with several supervisors, all of whom provide input on that employee’s performance. But courts generally won’t view differing evaluations by more than one supervisor as evidence of discrimination

N.J. state troopers seek a seat at the bar


Two organizations that represent New Jersey state troopers have filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Anne Milgram, seeking the right to moonlight as lawyers.

Tell bosses: Absolutely no comments on ethnicity


Here’s another good reason to tell all managers you’ll tolerate absolutely no ethnic, religious or racial comments: Just one or two comments followed by an adverse employment action may be enough to establish a hostile work environment. And those later acts can extend the time the employee has to file his claim.

Know the law: Simply taking FMLA leave doesn’t necessarily mean worker is disabled


Generally, someone whose condition qualifies as a disability under the ADA is probably also entitled to FMLA leave when that disability flares up. But the reverse is not always true.

Say no to accommodations if ‘disability’ barely scratches the surface of credibility


Employees have the strangest ideas about what constitutes a disability and whether they are entitled to a reasonable accommodation. For example, many people have minor phobias—let’s say a fear of spiders. That doesn’t mean employers have to provide a spider-free workplace.

It’s essential to follow AG’s rules for disciplining police officers


If you work in HR for a New Jersey law enforcement agency, take heed: Agencies that adopt the New Jersey attorney general’s (AG) guidelines on disciplinary actions must follow those guidelines if they expect their disciplinary decisions to stick.

Lawsuit: Lehman bankruptcy stiffed riffed Jersey workers


Miron Berenshteyn, a former computer programmer for Lehman Brothers in Jersey City, has filed a $5 million lawsuit alleging the company violated the federal and New Jersey WARN Acts when it laid off more than 100 workers in September.

Sparks fly in Camden over layoff procedure


Camden Chief Operating Officer (COO) Theodore Davis announced plans to cut 31 government jobs in October. Rather than rely on union agreements to decide where to cut, Davis used his own system, which he said was more equitable than established civil service procedures. Unions representing municipal employees say that’s illegal …

Economic woes force changes in staffing, salaries, benefits


As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, one-fifth of U.S. employers have instituted layoffs and another 26% expect to shed jobs in the next 12 months, according to a survey by global consulting firm Watson Wyatt.