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Business is booming lately—at state unemployment offices


The financial meltdown has spelled job creation for one office: The Pennsylvania unemployment hotline recently hired 132 additional staffers.

Can employees plead the Fifth Amendment during an investigative interview?


Q. Our company recently discovered some theft in our operation. We called an employee in for an investigative interview. He claimed to have consulted with an attorney and refused to answer our questions on the grounds that he could not be forced to incriminate himself under the Fifth Amendment. What are our choices?

When does ‘I quit’ mean ‘Help, I’m disabled’?


If you know an employee is suffering from depression, don’t be so quick to accept his or her hasty resignation, a new court ruling shows. Instead, you may need to identify this person as “disabled” under the ADA and, therefore, engage in an interactive process to find a work accommodation.

No charges, but woman loses 2 jobs after bridge collapse


Ramsey County prosecutors declined to file felony theft charges against Sonia Pitt, former director of homeland security and emergency management at the Minnesota Department of Transportation, finding her conduct in the wake of the deadly I-35W bridge collapse objectionable, but not criminal.

RIF or no RIF: 8 alternatives to consider before laying off staff


If your organization isn’t already planning or implementing measures to cut labor costs, it may soon have to. News that the United States has been in a recession since December 2007 suggests that HR professionals should prepare to reduce the labor burden—if only as a contingency plan.

Ferret out bias: Ask supervisor whether he’s reported all similar incidents


You probably rely on your supervisors and managers to give you all the relevant information before you make a disciplinary decision. But what if they don’t? If you don’t ask the right questions, you may inadvertently approve what ends up being a discriminatory action.

Public employers: Consider rights before axing protesters


The relationship between government entities and their employees can get contentious. Sometimes, those employees may even protest what they perceive as poor public policy choices on the part of their employers. As long as employees follow all the rules and protest or speak out on their own time, don’t respond angrily and punish them.

Coffee pot: $32. Keeping your job: priceless


Under pressure to meet a shrinking budget, The Van Buren Public School District recently notified teachers that it would charge a fee for keeping small appliances in their classrooms. Teachers will have to pay $13 for a microwave, $32 for a coffee pot and $182 for a mini-fridge.

Cut your risk! Have HR make firing decisions


Here’s another good reason to insist that HR handle all terminations: It’s much harder for employees to sue the company for its supervisors’ alleged harassment or discrimination if the HR office has primary responsibility for discharge decisions. Here’s why …

Beware reverse discrimination risk of overly aggressive minority recruiting


It goes without saying that employers shouldn’t discriminate based on race, age, sex or other protected characteristics. But favoring people based on those protected characteristics can lead to another problem—reverse discrimination.