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Los Angeles fashion icon to try on lawsuit


Roberto Hernandez, who used to work in American Apparel’s inventory and IT operation, claims he was fired for refusing to pad the company’s stats at CEO Dov Charney’s request. Now he’s filed suit against the company, alleging wrongful termination, breach of contract, infliction of emotional distress and other charges.

Fired after bankruptcy, Mervyn’s workers file WARN suit


Three former Mervyn’s employees recently filed a lawsuit against the bankrupt department store company for violating the federal WARN Act when it suddenly fired hundreds of workers last year.

Can we terminate now an employee who we know can’t return from FMLA leave?


Q. We have an employee out on FMLA leave and have just learned that she will not be able to return to work when her FMLA entitlement expires. Should we go ahead and send her a termination notice now?

Gulf Beaches librarians allege bias among the bookshelves


Jan Horah, a former director of the Gulf Beaches Public Library, and Harriet Thompkins, a former assistant director and reference librarian, have threatened lawsuits challenging their terminations. The women, who are black, claim they were terminated abruptly in November in violation of their contracts.

Clamp down on teasing to stop hostile environment suit


Unless it’s egregious and outrageous (something like a clearly racist epithet or a dangling noose), a one-time derogatory comment likely won’t become the foundation for a hostile environment lawsuit—if you take immediate steps to stop any escalation.

Require those on FMLA leave to call in sick, just like any other employee


Good news from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals: If you have a system for employees to call in sick, you can require everyone to use it—even employees on approved intermittent FMLA leave. The trick is to make sure that the employee taking FMLA leave understands she still must call in.

Warn managers: Even years later, acting against whistle-blower can be retaliation


Genuine whistle-blowers are protected against retaliation under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act even if the retaliation occurs years later. Caution management to avoid any action that smacks of punishing an employee for instigating or cooperating with a criminal investigation of alleged company wrongdoing.

Whistle-blower needs more than hunch employer broke law


Good news: Employees who claim to be whistle-blowers protected from discharge for complaining about alleged workplace problems under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act have to do more than make general allegations. A true whistle-blower has to show that his claim, if proven, would amount to a violation of a Minnesota law.

Hilton women sue over orgy


Deborah Smith, a former night manager of the SkyWater Restaurant at the Hilton Minneapolis, has filed a lawsuit alleging she was fired for walking in on an orgy involving upper managers in December 2007.

You may have to agree to part-time schedule after employee returns from FMLA leave


Employers may be in for a nasty shock if they assume that an employee who can’t return to work full time after taking FMLA leave doesn’t have the right to reinstatement. If they can perform the essential functions of their jobs on a part-time basis, then employers may have to agree to a reduced schedule.