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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Hastings offers settlement to cop accused of wrongdoing


A female police officer who was placed on administrative leave after being accused of writing false traffic-warning citations has received a payout from her employer, the Hastings Police Department.

Document investigation to thwart harasser’s suit


Sometimes, employers conducting harassment investigations find themselves in no-win situations, especially when there are conflicting claims and classic “he said, she said” scenarios. You risk a lawsuit if you fire the alleged harasser, most likely alleging some other illegal reason for your decision to terminate. The way to win these cases: Thoroughly document the investigation.

Make agreements truly a last chance: It’s OK to forbid appeals or challenges


If you want to give an employee one last chance to fly right, you can use a so-called “last chance agreement.” Such contracts can be used, for example, to set the terms for being drug or alcohol free and submitting to random testing. Last-chance agreements can even include tough terms

Fired health CEO sues


Carmen Morano, former president and CEO of Bloomfield-based health insurance company PerfectHealth, has sued the insurer, alleging it illegally fired him in May 2008.

Be on guard for age discrimination suit if older worker offers to work for less


Older employees who learn they might be laid off for economic reasons—especially those who have recently spoken with an employment lawyer—have begun trying an interesting tactic: They’re volunteering to work for less pay. Take those offers seriously.

Tanking finance sector puts NYC at top of job loss list


According to a forecast by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, New York City will lead the nation in job losses in 2009. The Big Apple is expected to lose about 181,000 jobs this year—most of which can be attributed to the collapse of the city’s financial sector.

What’s the best way to legally limit the length of leaves of absences?


Q. How do we handle an employee who is on an indefinite leave of absence and does not know when he will be able to return to work?

Tell managers to document hypersensitive worker’s behavior


Some employees are more sensitive to criticism than others and may also be more likely to file hostile work environment lawsuits. Managers with difficult subordinates would do well to track the behavior. It can be used in court to show that those subordinates have a skewed perception of the workplace.

Rehabilitation Act applies to county court systems


The 3rd Circuit has ruled that county court systems can be sued for disability discrimination under the federal Rehabilitation Act because the domestic relations divisions of the county court systems received federal funding.

Next up on the nightly news, perhaps a little less drama


The ongoing soap opera that is Philadelphia news broadcasting seems to be winding down. Former WCAU-TV news anchor Vince DeMentri has settled for an undisclosed sum for a sex discrimination complaint…