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Beware giving contradictory reasons for a layoff


When explaining to employees the reasons for a layoff, make sure you don’t contradict yourself. That’s especially true when the same manager gives an employee different reasons: A jury can take those contradictions and infer discrimination …

Layoff choices: Focus on performance, not just salary level


Nothing triggers age discrimination lawsuits like a layoff. After all, saving money is a primary consideration in most decisions to downsize. And because long-term employees are often paid more than newer employees, organizations that focus on money often end up with layoff lists heavy with post-40-year-olds. That’s a recipe for an Age Discrimination in Employment Act lawsuit …

RIF justifications need only be ‘Reasonable’ to stand up


If your organization plans a reduction in force, you can rest assured that you don’t have to prove that your method for selecting employees is the absolute best way to achieve your business goals …

Apply personal touch to firings; don’t use e-mail


Everything is done by e-mail these days, but the American worker still isn’t ready yet to be fired that way …

Isolated racist comments won’t always be discrimination


You know the workplace should be free of racially or sexually charged comments and that supervisors most certainly shouldn’t engage in such banter. But you can’t wipe prejudice out of every employee’s mind …

Firing ‘Worst of the best’ isn’t age discrimination


If economic conditions force you to downsize, be prepared for lawsuits. That’s especially true if no employees stand out as obvious poor performers who should be canned. In such cases, articulate that you have no choice but to fire "the worst of the best" …

Cut Out the Age Jokes; Employees Aren’t ‘Antiques’


Workplace humor is fine until it drifts into the realm of gags about employees’ gender, race or religion. Even age-based jokes can trigger lawsuits. Although few employees will win age-discrimination lawsuits based on a joke or two, such juvenile behavior can take an otherwise marginal case and give it legal legs …

Announcing terminations: What’s the smartest way?


A reader of our weekly e-mail newsletter, The HR Specialist Weekly, recently posed this question: “How do you let other employees know when you’ve fired someone?” Following are some of the responses from other readers …

Layoffs: Walk a fine line to avoid age-Bias laws


Q. We’re a small business (just eight employees) and haven’t laid anyone off. But business is slow and we need to restructure. We have an employee who has worked here part time (12 hours per week) for 25 years. She is 65 years old. We have one other part-timer (10 hours per week) who has worked here just one year. We’d like to lay off both part-time employees and keep the full-time employees. Can we do that? —P.U., Georgia

Analyze Severance Agreements for Plain-Language Readability


When it comes time to downsize or reorganize, one of the most common risks you’ll face is age-discrimination claims. That’s why it’s best to have departing employees sign severance agreements in which they waive their rights to pursue age-related claims