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Farash Corp. faces harassment suit over execs’ comments

A former executive assistant for Farash Corp. is suing the Rochester-based real estate company for sexual harassment. Susan Poulter claims she was fired without warning in June 2006, four months after she complained about inappropriate comments allegedly made by male executives …

Appeals court dumps Wyeth whistle-Blower’s claim

A three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a whistle-blower claim by Mark Livingston, a former training director at the Sanford, N.C., facility of the drug maker Wyeth …

Don’t let FMLA status keep you from firing lousy employee

There’s a common misconception out there that says that employers can’t fire employees who have recently taken or need to take FMLA leave. Nothing is further from the truth—if you go through the trouble of carefully documenting workplace deficiencies …

Do you discipline for age-Related remarks? You should

A supervisor who makes rude or obnoxious comments about his subordinates’ ages might wind up causing an age discrimination lawsuit. That’s one reason you should take seriously all complaints about inappropriate comments—and discipline supervisors who think age is something to joke about …

Wrongful termination limited in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania employers can terminate most at-will employees for any or no reason as long as the firing doesn’t violate state, local or federal law. However, there is a narrow “public policy” exception that protects some at-will employees …

Can a guy mess up so bad, it turns out good?

In 2000, Jeffrey Paich was hired to manage the Nike Factory Store in Mercer. A year later, Debra Sweda became Paich’s supervisor. Over the next four years, Sweda was inundated with complaints about Paich’s temper and his treatment of women …

COBRA claim for employee who didn’t sign up for health insurance?


Q. We offer insurance benefits that begin three months after hire. Due to changing business conditions, we had to terminate an employee after only six months on the job. It seems that the worker wasn’t signed up for the health plan on his termination date. Does he now have any claim to COBRA? …

Which day is best to fire, hire or give reviews?

A study by consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas reports that Mondays are the best days to terminate employees because it allows them to start looking for a job right away. Make job offers on Thursdays because candidates need time to think …

Treat all harassers equally, regardless of their sex

In what may be a sign of growing equality, more men are complaining about sexual harassment by their female co-workers and supervisors. Although female harassers may still be in the minority, that’s no reason to dismiss claims that men make …

For some employees, banking law trumps state protections

Banks chartered under the National Bank Act (NBA) don’t have to worry that some of their employment decisions will violate state wrongful-discharge laws. That’s because the NBA says all bank officers serve at the pleasure of a bank board of directors, which can terminate officers as they see fit …