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Breaking no-alcohol rule may mean no jobless benefits


If you have a zero-tolerance policy for employees drinking alcohol on duty, employees who are fired for breaking the rules may be denied unemployment compensation benefits—even if the employee wasn’t impaired enough to be criminally charged with drunken driving.

Barista back as Starbucks settles NLRB complaint


Erik Forman, a barista at a Minneapolis Starbucks who claimed he was fired in July for promoting a union drive, is pouring ventes again after the java giant settled a National Labor Relations Board complaint he filed.

Pig handlers fired for abuse


Fairmont-based MowMar Farms has fired six workers at its newly acquired farm near Bayard, Iowa, after a videotape revealed that some employees routinely abused pigs there. The footage, shot by PETA, showed workers slamming piglets on a concrete floor…

Can we fire someone who is costing us a fortune in workers’ comp claims?


Q. We have an employee in our manufacturing facility who has brought numerous workers’ compensation claims. This has cost us a lot of money. Do we have to continue to employ this person? His position involves a continued risk of physical injury.

Can a ‘bad’ motive firing of an at-will employee backfire?


Marsha Bartel was an award-winning NBC journalist working on the “Dateline NBC” television show. NBC fired her, claiming it was laying off staff. She sued, alleging NBC had fired her for complaining that the show was not adhering to NBC’s internal ethical standards. The case offers some important reminders about how to handle termination of at-will employees.

Use the calendar-year method to tame the intermittent FMLA leave beast


Employees who take intermittent leave can wreak havoc with work schedules. Because their conditions can flare up at any time, their absences are by nature unpredictable. But there are ways you can legally curtail intermittent leave. One way is to use the calendar-year method to set FMLA leave eligibility.

Take it seriously when employee yells, ‘Stop!’


Employees who suffer reprisals after complaining about possible discrimination or harassment can sue for retaliation. But they can do so only if they can show they “engaged in protected activity”—that is, that they told their employer about the alleged discrimination or harassment.

Court: State can ban convicted abusers from working in schools


Over the past few years, the Florida Legislature has enacted a growing list of restrictions on who can come onto school property. One state law bars anyone convicted of child abuse from school premises.

Have counsel review arbitration agreement


Do you use an arbitration policy to resolve workplace disputes? If so, it pays to have your attorney review that agreement to make sure it meets Florida contract law standards—especially if you operate in several states and use the same agreement for each location.

Track all discipline to show unbiased process


The key to a sound discipline policy is equal treatment for all who commit similar offenses. You can’t decide to treat some employees more leniently than others without very good reason. And you’d better nail down that reason at the time you make the decision—not months or years later, after another employee has sued.