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Deflect Cupid’s Arrow With Anti-Fraternization Policy


Q. We have two employees who started a relationship. One is married. The wife of the married employee came to our facility and demanded to speak with the other woman. We didn’t permit them to speak on the premises. Do we have any potential for liability in a situation like this, especially if it escalates? Can we do anything to discourage employee romances or is this strictly off-limits? —C.R., California

Ask on-Leave employees to tell you when they’ll return


Q. Is it legal to require that employees on FMLA leave report to us regularly on their plans to return to work? —P.R., New York

Do interns have to be paid?


Q. We plan on hiring a college intern this year. Do we have to pay that person? —L.M., New York

Post all job openings in-House


Q. We typically don’t post high-level management openings internally. Should we? —K.L., California

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

Different vacation policies are legal if done fairly


Q. We are rewriting our vacation pay policy. Currently, we have two categories of hourly employees. Can we offer 10 vacation days after two years to some employees and five days for the same period to other employees? Can we offer different benefits to salaried and hourly employees? —S.P., Washington

Examine entire contractor link, not just uniforms


Q. Can our company require an independent contractor to wear a specific uniform? And can we stipulate that the contractor buy the uniform through us? —A.C., California

Conduct exit interviews only if they’d be fruitful


Q. Is it wise to conduct exit interviews with all departing employees, even those who have been terminated on poor terms? —J.S., Georgia

Pay for Prep Time if It’s ‘Integral’ to Job


Q. We expect our bank tellers to be at their workstations and ready to open at 9:15 a.m. Should the tellers punch in before or after they go to the safe and get their money? —L.S., Michigan

Which posters to post?


Q. We’ve received differing information on exactly what notices we’re legally supposed to post in our office. Where can I find a reliable listing? —W.I., New York