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Georgia limits workplace rights for breast-Feeding mothers


Q An administrative staff member who recently gave birth is scheduled to return to work in a few weeks. She plans to have her mother bring the baby to the office several times a day so she can breastfeed. Our office manager says that’s not going to happen. Doesn’t Georgia law give women the right to breastfeed in the workplace?

Employees’ right to voting time off more limited than most realize


Q Historically, we have allowed employees to take two hours off with pay on days when there are federal, state, or local elections. Our new vice president of HR says only certain employees are entitled to such leave and that it’s not paid leave. What are our obligations under Georgia law?

Employees’ right to time off for court summons has some limits


Q We have received separate requests for time off for court appearances from three employees. What are our obligations under the law?

Does FMLA cover ‘Emotional care’ of spouse in ICU?


Q We have an employee whose wife is in a hospital intensive-are unit. The employee has asked for FMLA leave. Is this an FMLA-eligible reason, even though the employee isn’t providing "care" as the law requires?

Hourly bonuses for salaried employees?


Q. I employ a physical therapist on a salaried basis, making her an exempt professional under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Can I pay her an hourly bonus without causing her to lose the exempt status? …

Can we fire for incomplete medical cert?


Q. An employee recently has contracted a serious health condition for which she requests FMLA leave. The medical certification form, completed by her physician, does not indicate the probable duration of her condition. Can we suspend the employee for the physician’s failure to submit a sufficiently complete medical certification form? …

No witness needed for disciplinary meeting


Q. I run a large restaurant and employ only nonunion workers. Recently, I called one of the waiters into my office to issue him a warning for arriving late for his shifts. He told me he had a right to have one of the cooks there witness our exchange. Is he right? …

How to craft noncompete agreements


Q. What can I do to avoid unauthorized disclosure of sensitive company information when an employee departs? …

Employee pays when customers don’t?


Q. I own a four-star restaurant in a large metropolitan area. Unfortunately, customers sometimes skip out on their checks. Can I deduct from the waitress’s salary the money owed by a fleeing customer? …

Hiring questions: What’s off limits?


Q. What questions are off limits on an employment application or when conducting a job interview?