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Investigating suspected employee theft


Q. I think one of our employees is stealing. What are the proper steps to take to handle this situation? …

Saying ‘No’ to the office beggar


Q. An employee in our office regularly asks co-workers for small amounts of money and then never pays them back. We’ve all stopped giving him money, but he continues to ask, which makes many people feel uncomfortable. How do we get him to stop? …

Under what circumstances can an employee challenge a termination?


Q. If an employee believes he has been terminated unfairly, does he have a legal right to challenge the termination? …

Can I stop employees from organizing?


Q. How do I prevent employees from talking to a union or going to the National Labor Relations Board?

Caution when dealing with employees’ ‘protected concerted activity’

Q. I recently received a memo signed by all four employees in one department asking for 5% raises. Can I have a meeting with them to let them know that there is no money for raises, that their department could easily be eliminated and that they would be smarter just to keep a low profile and do their jobs?

How to handle pay for interns


Q. Must a Texas employer pay its interns? …

Must we deliver final paychecks at termination?


Q. When one of our employees was fired, he demanded his paycheck on that same day. Are we required to deliver final paychecks to employees the day they quit or are terminated? —D.G. …

Nondisabled workers earn ADA protection, too


Q. I know the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) gives disabled employees special rights. But I read that the law also extends to employees who aren’t disabled. How is that so? —N.L. …

Are Waivers a Cure-All for Employee Lawsuits?


Q. Is obtaining a legal release from an employee in exchange for severance pay guaranteed to prevent any legal action by that person? —J.S. …

How to draft a legal drug testing policy


Q. I recently read a report that said drug use among employees actually went up in the past decade. We’re considering starting to do drug tests. What should our policy say? —L.U. …