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Must we provide access to an employee’s personnel file?


Q. Recently, an employee was involved in a nonwork-related car accident. The employee’s attorney sent the company an authorization letter demanding that we provide the employee’s personnel file in 20 days. It seems the attorney needs the information for a potential lawsuit (unrelated to the company) concerning the accident. Do we have to turn over the personnel file? …

How does FMLA leave overlap with paid vacation, sick and personal leave?


Q. Our employee handbook provides that employees who take FMLA leave must first use any available paid-leave time, including vacation, sick time and personal time, as part of their FMLA leave. I have recently heard that there may be limitations on an employer’s ability to require an employee to substitute his paid-leave time for unpaid FMLA leave. Can you clarify this? …

How should we go about developing written job descriptions?


Q. My family has operated a small medical supply business for many years. Lately, our business has really taken off, and we now have more than 20 employees in different job categories. We are wondering whether we should develop written job descriptions for the different positions. If so, where should we begin? …

Pros and cons of tuition assistance


Q. I am the HR director of a midsize company. I am currently evaluating additional benefits that my company can provide to help us attract and retain talent. One of our employees suggested a tuition-reimbursement program. Can you describe some of the pros and cons of such a program? …

Attendance abuse and the FMLA


Q. Our company has certain employees who we believe abuse our absentee policy. We use a “no fault” system, but we do excuse FMLA absences. Typically, when employees get close to discipline or termination, they begin the paperwork for an FMLA absence. Do you have any suggestions on how we could better police the FMLA process to limit abuse? …

Do temporary employees count for WARN Act?


Q. Our company may be closing a small facility in which 25 regular employees and 50 additional temporary employees work. Do we include the temporary employees when we decide whether we must give a WARN Act plant-closing notice? …

Correcting I-9 mistakes four years after the fact


Q. We recently discovered a stack of I-9s dating back to 2002. The forms were signed by the employees and include copies of the employees’ driver’s licenses and Social Security cards. Unfortunately, a company official never signed the I-9s. Can we sign the forms and backdate them to 2002? If not, what should we do? …

Grandparent leave for military service


Q. One of our employees has a grandson who has just been called for duty in Afghanistan. She wants to take off the week before he ships out to attend a get-together in Orlando with him and other family members. She has no vacation time left, and this is a very busy season for our company. Do we have to let her go? …

Noncompete agreements and trade secrets


Q. My company is involved in the biotech industry and regularly develops proprietary information. We currently are working with an executive search firm to find a replacement for a high-level marketing executive position. Management wants to manage the risk of disclosure of confidential information. How restrictive may the potential candidate’s noncompete agreement be, given the company’s special needs to protect trade secrets? …

Unemployment following a strike


Q. We are a small, nonunion parts supplier for a large, unionized manufacturing plant. Due to an ongoing strike by our primary customer’s union, demand for our product has decreased significantly, and we are having difficulty meeting payroll. Consequently, we are preparing to lay off several of our staff. Our CFO remembered reading that in Indiana, someone who loses his job due to a strike is not eligible for unemployment compensation. But, because the only reason we are laying our people off is due to the strike at our customer’s facility, can we contest unemployment for our laid-off staff? …