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Must we pay our employee while she serves on a jury?

Q. We have an employee who is serving on a jury. It’s a long case. Do we have to keep paying her for her time off? — P.J., Minneapolis …

How long can we wind up handling wage assignments?

Q. We have received a wage assignment for one of our employees. How long do we have to keep sending money in? …

What if an employee has more than one wage assignment going on simultaneously?

Q. We have an employee for whom we have received two wage assignments. Which creditor do we pay? Both proportionally, or just the first one? Or do we alternate? …

Can we refuse to cooperate with a lender on a wage assignment?

Q. Handling wage assignments seems like a lot of trouble. What if we skip the whole thing? Can we get in trouble? …

Are we allowed to punish employees whose wages are assigned?

Q. I’m suspicious of employees who can’t handle their own financial affairs. Frankly, I’d rather not have irresponsible people working here. Can I fire an employee whose wages are assigned? …

Do nonunion employees have right to representation during disciplinary meetings?

Q. I am working with my supervisory staff on how to deal with a difficult employee. He insists he has the right to be represented when his supervisor wants to discuss a performance problem. He recently asked to have another employee come with him for a meeting with his supervisor regarding his poor attendance. We are a nonunion company. Any suggestions? …

Cutting health insurance costs by declining to cover contraception

Q. Our company is trying to reduce our medical insurance costs. I have been asked whether we could eliminate coverage for contraceptives. If we provide health care that includes a prescription drug benefit, are we required to provide coverage for contraceptives? …

Filing a Michigan discrimination claim?

Q. My understanding is that an employee must file a charge of sex discrimination with the EEOC or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) within 180 days. I have been told by the EEOC that it will investigate charges filed within 300 days of the alleged discriminatory act. Which is correct? …

How many no-Show days equal ‘Job abandonment’?

Q. How many days does an employee have to report his absence (no show, no call) before we can terminate him for job abandonment? — W.L., Wisconsin …

Maternity leave: What can you legally ask?

Q. What questions can we ask a pregnant employee about her impending maternity leave and if/when she’ll be returning to work? — M.M., Ohio …