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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Any way to demand repayment of health insurance premiums?


Q. We have an employee who failed to return from an FMLA leave of absence. During the leave, we had been paying our customary share of her medical insurance premiums. Is there anything we can do to recoup the expenses we paid for this employee?

Are meal and rest periods mandatory?


Q. We run a manufacturing facility, and our production needs do not always permit our employees to take breaks during the workday. A group of employees have complained that we are required by law to provide rest breaks and a lunch break during their shifts. Are they right?

Is BlackBerry use compensable time?


Q. We provide PDAs to virtually all our employees, some of whom are nonexempt. This enables them to send and respond to e-mails at all hours of the day and night. Does an employee’s time spent on his or her PDA outside of work count as hours worked?

Who pays for unauthorized treatments?


Q. We have an employee who has had several work-related injuries. Our workers’ compensation insurance carrier, after reviewing the circumstances of the employee’s injuries, has denied her any treatment for a back injury. Even so, she has gone to a chiropractor for treatment 60 times. Her attorney has now filed a petition for benefits with the Judge of Compensation Claims. It seeks authorization for the visits and asks our company and the carrier to pay for all 60 chiropractor visits. If the judge determines that these visits are authorized, are we going to have to pay for all of them?

Will we violate the ADA if we enforce our legitimate lifting restriction?


Q. Our restaurant has a written requirement that waiters be able to lift, transport and carry objects weighing from 25 to 30 pounds up to 20 or more times per shift. An applicant for a server job has informed us on his application that he has a condition that prevents him from lifting more than 10 pounds and that there are no accommodations that could be made so he can perform all of the job duties. Are we going to be in violation of the ADA if we deny a job to this applicant?

Can I fire an employee who is likely to develop a serious disease?


Q. I own my own business, and controlling my insurance costs is my biggest challenge. Recently, I learned one of my employees has been tested and has the genetic makeup likely to develop into a very serious illness. While I feel sorry for the employee, this disease is likely to cost our company hundreds of thousands of dollars. Can I fire the employee?

What can we do if former employee might have taken info to competitor?


Q. Recently, an employee left our company to join a competitor. When we took a look at his computer, we found deleted e-mails and files indicating he downloaded some valuable information about our customers. We suspect he transferred it to our competitor. He was an at-will employee and we had no employment agreement with him. Is there anything we can do about this?

What should we do if an employee refuses to cooperate during an investigation?


Q. We are investigating a sexual harassment complaint. One of the employees accused of wrongdoing refuses to be interviewed without his lawyer. I know the attorney has no right to be there, but what are my options?

We’re going to be slammed this month! Must we let employee remain on FMLA leave?


Q. One of our employees hurt her back lifting boxes. She has been off work for several weeks. We have been counting her absence against her FMLA entitlement. She was scheduled to return to work recently, but she now tells us the healing will take longer than expected. December is our busiest time of the year! Must we continue giving her leave?       

May we replace an employee on FMLA leave?


Q. We have an employee on FMLA leave. Can we replace her and find a different job for her when she returns?