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Vendor Management

HEART Act Adds Retirement, Pay Benefits for Reservist Employees

The HEART Act is a new federal law that expands the retirement and pay benefits to which employees called to active military service are entitled. If you administer your organization’s retirement plan or work with payroll, you need to know about the law’s provisions. Our primer will get you started.

Shopping for Employment Practices Liability Insurance: 6 Questions to Ask

The risk is real: Even if you draft airtight employment policies, an employee could sue you tomorrow … and a jury may believe his story. That’s why more companies are adding employment practices liability insurance (EPLI). Here’s our primer on EPLI, including a list of questions the most important questions to ask when shopping for coverage.

Successful Negotiating: 7 Steps to Getting What You Want – Audio Conference


This national audio seminar lays out a step-by-step guide for everyone—even the nervous, pushy, impulsive or tongue-tied—who wants to negotiate a better deal in the office, in the boardroom … and in life!

10 tips to ease the pain when tightening the benefits belt

A slowing economy and tight cash flow might make it tempting to trim benefits and bonuses. But drastic cuts could be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Here are 10 ways you can help soften the blow of reduced benefits and incentives …

Lower health care costs with strategy to change behavior

Colleges and universities with the lowest health care costs also have the most productive employees, says a new survey by HR consulting firm Sibson. Here are five lessons all businesses can learn from healthy campuses …

Is your PEO ripping you off? A primer on the fine print

Say you’ve decided to hire a professional employer organization (PEO) to handle some of your HR services—or you’re considering new PEO vendors to replace your current one. You have a choice of more than 700 PEOs to choose from. Prices and services offered by PEOs vary so much it’s hard to spot the best deal …

Background-Checking firms: How to Sort out the Best from the Rest

Nearly 1,000 vendors are in the screening industry now, making it difficult to sort out the top tier from the fly-by-night firms. Good news: Starting this month, you’ll have a new yardstick on which to gauge their quality …

9 questions to ask before you buy any HR software

A simple Google search for “HR software” will return a mind-numbing half million results. Some systems live up to the hype, and some don’t. To select the right vendor and software for your organization, arm yourself with these nine questions to narrow your search …

Alternative staffing models may save on employment costs

During these difficult economic times, small and midsized businesses are looking for ways to reduce their employment costs—while maintaining employee benefits and gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Many employers are looking at alternative staffing models to meet those objectives …

Voluntary programs offer home, auto insurance discounts


Employees can save between 5% and 20% on their home and car insurance if they buy it through your organization’s voluntary benefits program. That can be a welcome relief to an employee whose health insurance premiums are steadily increasing, and a way for employers to give workers a break on another necessary expense …