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From retired to rehired: Beware liability risks

The recently “unretired” are more likely than younger workers to trigger Age Discrimination in Employment Act complaints in both the short term and in the future if they wind up losing their jobs in an economic downturn. Let’s look at the risks and how to mitigate them.

EEOC lawsuit alleges discriminatory AI screening

Using software based on artificial intelligence and other algorithm systems has helped streamline the hiring process at many companies. Those programs are often touted as a way to keep bias from tainting the hiring process. But recent guidance from the EEOC and Department of Justice says AI can sometimes lead to more discrimination, not less.

Employers struggle to hire, retain white-collar staff

A new survey confirms that most organizations are finding it extremely difficult to find and retain qualified workers. The survey, conducted by the Conference Board in March, reveals that hiring challenges extend beyond a shortage of manual services workers.

Summon applications via good writing

Recommendations for crafting job descriptions that attract good talent.

In which states is hiring the hardest these days?

With the labor force participation rate near 62%, one of the lowest in decades, most employers are having trouble finding and hiring employees. Where is it the hardest?

Avoid hiring based on preferred ‘look’

In a fickle consumer market, you might be tempted to base hiring decisions on the kind of employees you think your customers might prefer. That could be a big mistake. Courts take a dim view of rejecting qualified applicants who don’t fit preconceived notions of who is a good fit or has the right “look” for service jobs.

Big changes planned for Form I-9 this fall

As employers are painfully aware, the Form I-9 is full of hidden traps. And the penalties for mistakes can be harsh. So just as you’ve finally figured out the current I-9 version, the Department of Homeland Security has proposed significant changes to the form before the current version expires on Oct. 31.

Using AI in hiring? Beware liability for bias

Employers increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-based software to manage the hiring process. But critics of AI software claim discrimination may be baked into the algorithms.

It may soon be easier to fill your vacancies

For employers struggling to hire enough employees, there may be some good news on the horizon. Not only are unemployed workers beginning to step off the sidelines and back into the workforce, but some state legislatures are responding to low unemployment rates and abundant jobs by lowering the length of time workers can collect unemployment compensation benefits.

Last Friday wrap in March: No more expired List B docs for I-9 purposes, telehealth returns and more

In which we cover college coaches’ compensation, I-9 forms, telehealth coverage, IRS training and payroll trouble for the foreign service.