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Understanding religious accommodations in Ohio workplaces


Ohio mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request “prayer breaks.” Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents challenges in the workplace

After merger, must we hire worker who’s on FMLA?


Q. We bought a company and agreed to consider hiring the seller’s employees. We interviewed and hired some of them. One of the employees was out on FMLA leave and is telling us that we have to hire him. We looked at his work record and we would never hire him. Do we have a potential problem? —R.L.B.

Make sure employees know about internal job openings


It pays to make every effort to publicize job openings to your current staff and make clear how employees should apply. If you don’t, you face potential discrimination claims

It’s up to you to prove applicant is ‘Direct threat’ to safety


You can legally reject job applicants who have physical or mental limitations if they would pose a direct threat to their own safety or the safety of customers or co-workers. The ADA makes that clear. What isn’t clear is what’s considered a “direct threat” …

How long to retain applications and résumés?


Q. How long do we have to keep applications and résumés? — L.P., Kansas

Track contracts for bias against black-Owned firms


Think you don’t have to worry about race discrimination in hiring contractors? Think again. A little-known section of the federal Civil Rights Act has become a popular vehicle for claims of race discrimination in contracting

Independent contractor or employee? Your control over duties, schedule is the key


If your organization hires temporary workers to perform specific tasks for a set fee, don’t assume you automatically can declare them as independent contractors rather than employees …

Ignoring Harassment Policy Can Lead to Double-Trouble


Texas employees and their attorneys have found a way around the federal caps on damages in sexual-harassment cases. Instead of going to federal court, plaintiffs sue in Texas state courts under the Texas Labor Code and add claims of negligent hiring, retention and supervision

Georgia economic outlook: partly cloudy, better than nation


“Georgia will outperform the nation but will not dodge the slowdown” in 2007, according to George Benson, dean of the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business …

Solidify an independent contractor’s status by proving he turned down employee job offer


Florida employers don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for their independent contractors. Plus, they aren’t responsible for the on-the-job injuries of such workers. But make sure you keep enough “distance” from those workers so they’ll keep their independent-contractor status