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Fire before you hire: Put more burden on job-seekers


Hiring managers spend too much time interviewing candidates—and asking them the wrong questions. Then they’re often surprised to have to fire those same candidates a few months later after discovering that good interview skills don’t necessarily signal a great job fit. The problem: Employers often hire for hard skills but fire for soft skills, says Karl Ahlrichs of Hiring Smart, an Indiana firm specializing in employee selection. Instead, says Ahlrichs, “Our new slogan should be, ‘Fire them before we hire them.’” …

Hiring questions: What’s off limits?


Q. What questions are off limits on an employment application or when conducting a job interview?

Transparent process best defense against hiring lawsuits


The success of your organization depends on hiring the right people. You spend a lot of time and effort determining the company’s needs and designing job descriptions that meet those needs. Don’t let a potential discrimination lawsuit ruin all that hard work. Instead, make the hiring process as transparent as possible …

When posting jobs, spell out negatives as well as positives


Do you spell out all the details about the internal job opportunities you make available? If you don’t, you should
—including the negatives …

$12 million settlement ends Chicago’s political-Bias suit


The city of Chicago will pay approximately $12 million to settle a suit alleging it hired and promoted based on political affiliation …

Michigan Seamless Tube to pay $500,000 for hiring discrimination


Michigan Seamless Tube will pay $500,000 to settle a class-action race-discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC for refusing to hire black former employees of Vision Metals …

Establish promotion criteria to discourage lawsuits


If your organization is like many, employees anxious to move up the ladder covet promotions. But if you have no clear-cut standards or easy-to-explain criteria, lawsuits lurk behind every unqualified, but passed-over, employee …

It IS rocket science: Learn from NASA how to prevent ‘Brain drain’ at your company


Use NASA’s seven-question approach to help stem the loss of critical knowledge at your organization…

Immigration reform: States pick up ball U.S. Senate dropped


When the U.S. Senate failed to pass comprehensive immigration-reform legislation last month, the problem didn’t go away. Now states are stepping in to craft local solutions to problems related to undocumented immigrants. Employers are likely to bear the enforcement burden.

Stay-At-Home kids: Fewer teens than ever apply for summer jobs


Having a hard time finding seasonal help this summer? You’re not alone. The age-old summer ritual of American kids working at the local movie theater and swimming hole is quickly eroding. Fewer than half of 16- to 19-year-olds were either working or looking for work in June,  down from 60% just seven years ago …