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Background Checks

‘Before I check your references …’

Before calling references, ask the applicant, “What am I likely to hear when I contact these people?” The answers may surprise you.

Temp to permanent? OK to set standards high

The temp-to-permanent track can be a win-win for everyone. It’s perfectly fine to establish high standards for making the jump to permanent employment.

Obama’s executive action will affect tech employers

President Obama’s Nov. 20 announcement that he would take executive action to protect about 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation set off a political firestorm, but the plan will affect relatively few employers.

Fraud alert: No shortcuts when hiring seasonal staff

With seasonal hiring expected to be at its highest level in years, fraud experts warn that companies that loosen their usual processes to ramp up staffing can wind up increasing their fraud risk.

Luxury hotelier hit with $2 million tab for immigration violations

Salt Lake City-based Grand America Hotels and Resorts will pay nearly $2 million for hiring undocumented immigrants following a settlement agreement signed in September between the company, federal prosecutors and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Negligence can’t stand in for discrimination in N.Y.


Clever lawyers are always looking for ways to reach deeper into employer pockets. One tactic has been to add state negligence claims to run-of-the-mill discrimination cases. That won’t work anymore, at least as far as negligent hiring, supervision and retention claims are concerned.

Employee references aren’t a matter of ‘free speech’

Answering reference calls? Don’t think all responses are protected by “free speech” rights.

I-9 audits again hit record; get forms in compliance

Heads up: Your odds of getting hit with an audit of your I-9 forms took another jump last year.

How honest can I be when called for a reference on a subpar former employee?

Q. I recently fired one of my employees, but today another company called me, stating that the former employee marked me down on a job application as an employment reference. Can I tell the prospective em­­ployer about how terrible an employee this person was?

Is it OK to have a blanket policy of rejecting applicants with criminal histories?

Q. I believe I should be able to refuse employment to any prospective employee with a record of criminal conviction. Can I institute a blanket policy that bars employment to applicants with criminal records? Also, what can I ask applicants about their criminal records?