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Employment Law

Remind all decision-makers: Age-related comments almost always lead to courtroom


We can’t say it often enough: Do everything you can to discourage any age-related comments at work. Make sure managers and supervisors understand that seemingly innocent jokes can come back to bite. Ageist comments do nothing but cause trouble, as this recent case shows:

Act fast to punish violent employee, even if he’s been the victim of harassment


It’s understandable that employees might get angry if they perceive that co-workers are harassing them. But that doesn’t justify a violent reaction. When alleged victims of harassment lash out, you can and should punish them. But even as you discipline the angry worker, make sure you also do whatever you can to end the harassment that precipitated the violent response.

If no job loss, no damages for whistle-blower

The New Jersey Superior Court has reversed a large jury award previously won by a whistle-blower because the employer never fired the employee or forced him to quit.

Warn bosses: Loose lips lead to lawsuits


Some managers can’t seem to understand that they shouldn’t discuss personnel matters with anyone other than the appropriate people within the organization. Consider the following case in which a supervisor’s conversation with an outsider may have cost his employer $100,000.

Could gambling addiction become an ADA-protected ‘disability’?

Just in time for March Madness … the new draft of a prominent American Psychiatric Association (APA) manual recommends expanding the category of “mental disabilities” to include new disorders, including binge eating and pathological gambling.

No beards, turbans in Lexus’ ‘Pursuit of Perfection’

Little Falls, N.J.-based Tri-County Lexus faces a religious discrimination lawsuit after it refused to accommodate a job applicant’s request to continue wearing a beard and turban, as required by his Sikh religion.

Employee out on military leave: Must we pay him?


Q. We have an employee who will soon go on temporary military duty and be gone for several weeks. Do we have to pay him at all during his absence, or does he receive military pay?

Hiring? The legal risk of falling for great interview skills


Does your selection process rely heavily on how applicants handle themselves during job interviews? If so, be aware that courts are often suspicious of such inherently subjective decision-making. That’s why it’s best to document how objective qualifications counted for more than the fleeting impression of an interview. (For another perspective on hiring, see “The top 15 oddball interview questions” below.)

Feds publish guidance on new child-labor penalties


A little-noticed provision buried in last year’s Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) raised the stakes for employer child-labor violations. It increased the maximum penalty to $50,000 for each child-labor violation that causes serious injury or death of an employee under age 18.

Catch fishy FMLA requests with the 3 R’s


Employees have learned to play the FMLA game quite well in the 17 years since the law was passed. In this new case, an “attendance-challenged” employee was denied extra vacation leave for her wedding. So she submitted an FMLA leave request for those same dates. Hmmmm … smell fishy?