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Employment Law

Before firing, make sure employee hasn’t made any recent safety complaints


Minnesota employees who make good-faith reports about safety concerns are protected from retaliation. Before you approve a termination recommendation, make sure the employee hasn’t recently complained about safety issues. If he has, verify that the discharge reasons are genuine. Otherwise, prepare for a retaliation lawsuit.

One wrong word can launch a lawsuit: Warn bosses about the danger of ageist comments

Following past recessions, hiring typically took place across the age spectrum once recovery began. Not this time. The Great Recession and its hiring hangover have hit older workers particularly hard. That’s sure to mean more lawsuits. Employment lawyers smell blood and will soon be going after employers they perceive as having policies biased against hiring older workers.

You don’t have to chase down FMLA certification

Employers aren’t required to go out of their way to encourage employees to have a doctor certify a serious health condition that qualifies for FMLA leave.

Handle return-to-work issues with care


Employees and their lawyers know to dig deep when they’re considering filing a discrimination lawsuit. They hunt for anything that smacks of unequal treatment based on some protected classification—and if they find something, they’ll sue. Consider this example:

Responding to an office affair? Don’t forget the ‘fair’ part

When an office romance is in full bloom, it’s a tough secret to keep from the perceptive masses. But how’s an employer supposed to respond when an affair causes turmoil in the workplace? This court decision offers a good warning: Don’t discipline one partner but not the other.

‘Jon & Kate Plus 8,’ minus child labor violations

Fans of “Jon & Kate Plus 8” can relax. After an investigation, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry decided not to fine the popular reality TV show for alleged child labor violations.

Feds propose new HIPAA privacy rules

The Department of Health and Human Services has proposed new rules to strengthen HIPAA’s confidentiality and security measures. While your health insurance carrier will have primary responsibility for compliance, you need to be able to answer employees’ questions about their new privacy rights.

What are the rules on paying for weekend travel time?

It’s one of the trickier wage-and-hour questions: How to pay hourly employees who travel on days they usually don’t work, such as Saturdays and Sundays. Learn the intricacies of determining which hours are paid, which are not and how the Portal-to-Portal Act exception to the Fair Labor Standards Act comes into play.

Using the Supreme Court’s model to prevent employment lawsuits


You know you have an obligation to eliminate discrimination, harassment and retaliation. You know you have to make sure employees don’t harass co-workers or subordinates, or harm customers and others. On the other hand, you know applicants and employees have a right to privacy that is protected by state and federal laws. It’s a balancing act: Just how do you protect workers on the one hand, while respecting their privacy on the other?

Orlando’s Hilton Grand, EEOC settle pregnancy bias case

Orlando-based Hilton Grand Vacations has agreed to settle an EEOC pregnancy discrimination lawsuit in which a former employee claimed the company asked her to resign during a difficult pregnancy in return for a promise to rehire her after her child was born.