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Employment Law

Recalcitrant worker? Document and fire


Some employees can’t or won’t acknowledge that they aren’t meeting their employer’s expectations. They ignore negative evaluations, don’t follow through on improvement plans and won’t take direction. You may have no choice but to fire the employee. If you do, don’t worry. Careful documentation will stifle any later lawsuit alleging some form of discrimination.

Transfer worker who needs a fresh start; it’s not retaliation if pay, benefits are equal


Sometimes, an employee simply isn’t a good fit for a particular job assignment. But if you transfer such employees with a genuine intent to give the person a fresh start—and not a hidden motive of discrimination—you’ll likely survive a legal challenge. Just make sure the new job has similar responsibilities, pay, benefits and working conditions.

FMLA now covers care by same-sex parents

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a broad interpretation of the definition of a “son or daughter,” clarifying that any employee who assumes the role of caring for a child will receive parental rights under the FMLA, regardless of the biological relationship. The new rule applies regardless of sexual orientation or conventional family ties.

Before you decide to fire, make sure past evaluations support your rationale


Nothing raises suspicions among employees (and juries) than effusive praise followed by a pink slip. So here’s a tip that will make courts more likely to uphold your termination decisions: Make sure whatever reason you use to justify a firing also shows up in past performance evaluations.

Between honesty and discretion, what’s the best approach to reference requests?

Q. I have a question about providing honest feedback during reference requests. Is it better to defend the fact that I provided a truthful (negative) assessment, rather than trying to explain why I can’t give any reference at all? Aren’t we protected by negligent-referral and reference-immunity laws?

Can we terminate a poor performer who is currently out on FMLA leave?

Q. Our receptionist has a history of being late for work and taking unexcused absences. She’s out on FMLA leave to care for her sick father. Her temporary replacement is doing an outstanding job and always shows up on time. Can we keep the new receptionist and tell the other one not to return?

Could he sue us? Employee was fired after he injured himself on the job

Q. A replacement line supervisor directed an employee in our plant to use a machine he wasn’t trained to operate. The employee was injured when he stuck his hand into the machine to clear a jam. While the employee was recuperating in the hospital, the plant supervisor fired him for operating machinery he hadn’t been trained on. Does the employee have a right to sue us if the line supervisor ordered him to do this job?

Wellness programs: Clash between health care reform and GINA

Approximately 70% of employers sponsor wellness programs designed to drive down health care costs, reduce absenteeism and promote better employee health. Wellness programs that offer premium discounts have long been required to comply with HIPAA. More recently, two other laws muddied the wellness waters: the new health care reform law and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

Philly firefighters settle suit over racist web posting

A group of black Philadelphia firefighters known as Club Valients and the NAACP have settled their lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia concerning racist comments that appeared on the web site of International Association of Fire Fighters Local 22.

Reading couple sues city for age bias, harassment, retaliation

Two former Reading Police Department employees who are married to each other have sued the city and several supervisors, claiming age discrimination and harassment and retaliation for complaining about municipal government labor practices.