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Employment Law

Workers trained to clean up Gulf oil spill cry foul

When the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster began, hundreds of Panhandle workers signed up to receive training on how to safely clean up the mess. Now that they have completed the program, some are complaining that they can’t start working because their employers are withholding the certificates. OSHA is looking into the complaints …

‘Fairness’ audit prevents surprise liability


It’s hard to control what low-level supervisors are doing—especially when it comes to distributing work in a commissioned sales environment. Your best protection is to conduct a self-audit of all leads. Make sure everyone is getting a fair cross-section of leads based on easy-to-understand metrics.

Alert: Key EEOC reporting deadline is next Thursday


Most large employers (and federal contractors) have just a few days to submit key employee demographic data to the EEOC. The deadline for filing EEO-1 reports is next Thursday, Sept. 30. Find links to the EEOC’s online reporting system and an explanation of what you need to report.

Late FMLA notice: When must you cut slack?

Last year’s FMLA regulations gave employers new powers to demand notification from employees. But while you can now hold employees to your “usual and customary” notice procedures when they’re notifying you of unexpected FMLA leave, you must allow some flexibility for emergency circumstances.

Courts frown on bosses blaming subordinates for shortcomings


Here’s something to consider when disciplining a supervisor or manager: She probably won’t be able to get away with blaming a subordinate for her own poor performance. Employers are entitled to expect managers to manage.

Weight discrimination: The next big protected category?

Can employees be fired for being too fat? The topic is heating up, due in part to national headlines gained by two Hooters waitresses in Michigan who claim they were fired for being overweight. A judge has given them the green light to bring their cases to trial. 

Must we pay premium during unpaid leave?

Q. I am a small employer with a group medical plan. If an employee takes an approved unpaid leave of absence, am I required to continue my premium subsidy during the unpaid leave? We have 22 employees and aren’t required to comply with FMLA.

What are the new rules for nursing mothers?

Q. Could you give us some guidance on our requirement to provide breaks for nursing mothers?

Must we provide health insurance coverage for employees’ adult children?

Q. How does the new health care reform law affect coverage for adult dependent children under a group health plan?

How will Illinois’ wage law change next year?

Q. How are employees affected by the amendment to the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act?