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Employment Law

After employee files internal complaint, beware anything that might look like retaliation

Here’s something to warn super­visors about after an employee has filed a discrimination or harassment complaint: Even if the initial complaint proves unfounded or too minor to be illegal, any punishment the complaining employee experiences later may amount to retaliation.

Landscaping company illegally trimmed wages

Cyrilla Landscaping in Coraopolis, outside Pittsburgh, has agreed to pay $39,091 in back wages to 29 workers following a DOL investigation—plus another $39,091 because the feds found the violations were willful.

Judge to U.S. Steel: Random drug testing OK

Rebuffing the EEOC, a federal judge has ruled that U.S. Steel can randomly test new workers for substance abuse.

Worker on FMLA leave? Limited contact OK

Sometimes, pressing business matters require a supervisor or other company representative get in touch with an employee who’s out on FMLA leave. As long as the contact is limited to true business needs and isn’t unduly restrictive or intrusive, the contact won’t cause you to lose an FMLA interference lawsuit.

Assess ADA disability against average ability

The ADA doesn’t cover everyone who has any kind of medical problem. Even something like complete deafness in one ear may not be enough to make an employee disabled.

Night shift assignments: Must we pay more?

Q. We aren’t getting volunteers to cover evening hours, so we’ve decided to rotate everyone into the evening shifts. I am hearing that we have to add a “shift differential” to those who work nights. Is this true?

Can transportation firm include class-action waivers in arbitration agreement?

Q. We would like to ask all of our employees to sign arbitration agreements. However, in light of the 2011 U.S. Supreme Court decision in AT&T Mobility v. Conception, we would like these arbitration agreements to contain class-action waivers. How should we handle this process, given that we are in the transportation industry?

Does California’s human trafficking notice requirement apply to all industries?

Q. Is it true that all California employers are required to post a human trafficking notice?

Unmarried employee couple is expecting: Can both take FMLA leave?

Q. A while ago two of our employees developed a romantic relationship. They are now expecting a baby and both workers put in a request for family leave to bond with their newborn. Are we required to give both workers leave for the birth of their child—even if they are not married?

Hasty retirement benefits offer may show retaliation

Before offering a retirement package that’s contingent on giving up the right to sue, make sure you comply with the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) requirements. That includes giving the employee time to review the agreement and talk to a lawyer.