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Employment Law

Texas Senate considers long-shot LGBT-rights law

The Texas Senate is considering a bill that would ban discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered employees and job applicants. Introduced by Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, S.B. 237 would prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Break in employment may cut hostile environment liability

If an employee chooses to return to work in a hostile environment, that makes it much harder to successfully sue for harassment.

Invoke arbitration rights as early as possible

If an employee has signed an agreement promising to arbitrate employment claims, tell the court right away and ask it to compel arbitration. Otherwise, the court might decide that you waived your right to ask.

Disabled employee always calling in sick?

Disabled employees may be en­­titled to some time off as an accommodation, but there are limits. If an employee is constantly absent when his disability makes it impossible to work, you may be able to discharge him. That’s because attendance can be an essential function of a job—and constantly missing work may show that the employee can’t perform that essential function.

‘Mixed-motive’ retaliation case: Who pays attorneys’ fees?

In some rare cases, employers can win a case in which they disciplined or terminated an employee for illegal reasons. Usually, the employer has to pay the employee’s legal costs. But it’s been an open question whether that’s true in “mixed-motive” retaliation cases. Now the 5th Circuit has clarified that the em­­ployer isn’t on the hook for em­­ployee attorneys’ fees.

USERRA: Accommodate returning vets–but insist that they follow reinstatement rules

Employees who serve in the military are entitled to return to their jobs after their active duty ends and otherwise receive special consideration for service. But those rights have limits.

AFL-CIO opposes banning deductions for PAC funding

The Texas chapter of the AFL-CIO is opposing a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives that would criminalize payroll deductions for contributions to political action committees.

Take heart! DOL doesn’t win every case

A company that contracted to provide gate attendants for oil fields has won its battle with the DOL over whether the workers are em­­ployees or independent contractors. The decision represents a big loss for the DOL, which sought repayment of more than $6 million in back wages—and has engaged in a nationwide campaign to force more employers to recognize independent contractors as employees.

Beware misclassifying inside sales staff

Do you have employees classified as inside sales employees? If so, you may be courting trouble unless you are absolutely sure they qualify for the exemption. That’s especially true if you also don’t track any extra hours they work.

House bill would offer employees comp time instead of OT pay

Republican lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow nonexempt employees to choose compensatory time off instead of overtime pay. The Working Families Flexibility Act would let private-sector employees take an hour and a half of paid time off for every hour of overtime worked.