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Employment Law

ADA: Sometimes, no accommodation will work

Some disabled applicants or employees will never be able to perform their jobs. However, you can only reach that conclusion after both sides engage in the interactive accommodations process. If no accommodation will let the person perform the job’s essential functions, you can terminate an employee or reject an applicant.

Don’t even try to argue slur wasn’t offensive

Here’s a hint for defending your company in a discrimination case: Don’t even think about arguing that an obviously offensive ethnic slur is ambiguous or not offensive at all. It won’t get you very far with most judges.

Target misses mark with multicultural training

Minneapolis-based retailer Target is scrambling to explain a training document that surfaced at one of its Northern California distribution centers. The document purports to tell supervisors how to interact with Hispanic employees—and in the process betrays some offensive stereotypes.

Certain industries hit extra hard by FMLA absences

FMLA absences are on the rise, and some sectors—particularly manufacturing, hotels, health care, call centers and government entities—far surpass others in terms of FMLA absenteeism rates, says a new report by EAP provider ComPsych.

NLRB nominees set for confirmation

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on July 24 voted 13-9 to send President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) nominees to the floor for confirmation by the full Senate.

Can we recover business documents from employee’s personal laptop?

Q. Many of our executives use their personal laptops for business purposes. We don’t have a policy governing this practice. We will be terminating our COO and want to know how we can legally go about transferring or deleting all work-related files from his personal computer.

How to avoid being sued for caregiver discrimination


While family responsibility discrimination (FRD) is not a new protected category (and no federal law expressly prohibits employment discrimination against caregivers), a number of laws provide protection for employees with caregiving responsibilities.

College complaint alleges bizarre pattern of retaliation

The former public safety director at Harrisburg Area Community College has filed a complaint alleging he suffered retaliation after he engaged in protected whistle-blowing activity. The director is still employed at the college, but has been stripped of his duties, computer and vehicle, and now sits in an empty office with nothing to do.

Cancer doc says he was fired for FMLA advocacy

The Pennsylvania State University Medical Center is being sued by a cancer surgeon who alleges he was fired in retaliation for defending the FMLA rights of his secretary—who was fighting cancer.

Document every discharge just in case there’s a lawsuit


You might assume that someone won’t sue if they’ve been accused of sexual harassment by several employees and cited for poor performance. You could be wrong. That’s why you should document every discharge decision as if you expect a lawsuit.