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Employment Law

Anti-harassment policy, training are meaningless if supervisors decide to ignore them

When a co-worker makes himself a nuisance (or worse), a robust anti-harassment policy, a clear reporting method and swift and sure action will cut liability in almost all cases. But what if the policy isn’t en­­forced or a supervisor learns about the harassment but ignores the problem and doesn’t take action? Then all bets are off.

Hell hath no fury like an English major scorned

Publishing giant Condé Nast is being sued by two college students who allege they were illegally underpaid while interning at two of the company’s flagship magazines.

Just how many plaintiffs can one suit have?

What if you get a hiring decision wrong, choosing someone from one protected category over another slightly better-qualified minority applicant? Fortunately, that misstep won’t open the door for hordes of minority applicants to sue. Only the slightly better-qualified applicant will have a claim.

Obesity is Now a ‘Disease,’ AMA says; What’s That Mean for HR?

The American Medical Association (AMA) this summer officially designated obesity as a “disease”—instead of as a condition. The AMA’s designation does not carry any official change in the law or regulations. But experts say it could increase the likelihood that obese employees will be deemed “disabled” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), plus increase your organization’s workers’ comp costs.

Must we give FMLA leave for cosmetic surgery?

Q. An employee lost weight and is having excess skin removed and a breast lift. There will be a surgery and recovery period. Is elective cosmetic surgery covered under a serious medical condition?

Hypersensitive employee? What’s hostile depends on objective analysis

Don’t worry too much if a sensitive soul finds the workplace unpleasant. Absent tangible, objective evidence that an environment is truly hostile, her lawsuit won’t go far.

Remind bosses: Part-time workers have the same job rights as full-timers


Some managers mistakenly believe there’s no danger in firing new part-time employees or treating seasonal employees differently. That’s just not true.

Warn bosses about personal liability risk

Remind supervisors that the integrity of the performance evaluation process depends on their honest assessment. Providing anything less may mean a court date and personal liability under North Carolina law.

What are the rules for obtaining notice that an employee needs FMLA leave?

Q. Can we require our employees to give us notice of when they need FMLA leave? Can we require that notice in writing?

J.B. Hunt drops ban on hiring those with criminal records

Transportation giant J.B. Hunt has agreed to revise its hiring policy that the EEOC claimed prohibited hiring anyone with a criminal record. The case began with a single black applicant who was denied a truck driving position because he had been convicted of a crime.