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Employment Law

Light duty and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Sometimes, it may be appropriate to offer light-duty assignments to pregnant employees. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to handle those accommodations.

N.Y. wage-and-hour news you can use: annual notices & tax credits

Now that 2014 is in full swing, it’s time to make sure your organization is up to speed on new wage-and-hour obligations and prepare to take advantage of a new tax incentive for hiring student workers.

Corning nursing home settles GINA, ADA lawsuit

The Founders Pavilion nursing home in Corning will pay $370,000 to settle charges it violated the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act and the ADA. The problem: The facility asked job applicants about their family medical histories during post-offer, pre-employment physical examinations.

Bad bosses? Probably. Were they racist? No

A federal judge has dismissed race discrimination charges against the New York Post newspaper. While the judge agreed that two black reporters who sued experienced “a raucous work environment” in which bosses “yelled and cursed at reporters,” they were treated no differently than co-workers who aren’t black.

Harassment over interracial relationship spells big trouble

Don’t let biased notions of who can marry whom poison your workplace.

Don’t let manager’s attitude taint new mom’s career

Some managers don’t think mothers-to-be are serious about their work. That attitude can spell trouble for an employee’s future opportunities in subtle ways. Don’t let it happen.

EEOC can’t sue over nationwide discrimination unless it first investigates


Employers with locations in multiple states that find themselves responding to an EEOC discrimination complaint sometimes fear the agency won’t limit its investigation to a single complaint or two. Instead, they worry the commission might conduct a wide-ranging investigation and sue over so-called “pattern-and-practices” discrimination, alleging companywide bias.

Obama: Higher minimum for fed contractors’ employees

President Obama plans to issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay employees at least $10.10 per hour, starting in 2015.

It’s just a kiss … sealed with a lawsuit

Even a single incident of overt sexual harassment can become the basis for a sex discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuit. Warn all supervisors and managers: Keep your hands off your subordinates—and your lips, too!

NLRB releases ‘quickie union election’ rule

To the chagrin of U.S. employers, new rules designed to speed up union elections have been finalized by the National Labor Relations Board …