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Employment Law

Supreme Court declines do-overs on anti-LGBT bias

When the U.S. Supreme Court closed out its 2020-2021 term, it signaled that even with a 6-3 conservative majority, it has no appetite for revisiting culture-wars cases involving gender identity and sexual orientation.

Supreme Court limits union-organizing access

The U.S. Supreme Court has handed employers a victory in the struggle to keep labor unions at bay, restricting the amount of time organizers can spend at worksites persuading employees to join a union.

ADA-like process helps accommodate religion

Do you know how to handle a worker’s request for a religious accommodation? If not, a recently filed case offers a lesson on how to proceed. So does the process you usually follow to accommodate ADA disabilities.

EEOC issues new resources on LGBT bias

The commission even developed a new acronym for bias against LGBT employees: SOGI, which stands for sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination.

Dems to control NLRB as Biden nominates two union-side lawyers

David Prouty, currently general counsel of the Service Employee International Union’s largest local, would replace outgoing Republican NLRB member William Emanuel, whose term ends in August.

Snapshot: Vaccine status: Transparency vs. privacy

Most employees want to know if co-workers have had covid shots … but don’t want to share if they themselves have been vaccinated.

High Court: Only 3 cases affected employers

No case in this term rose to the level of last year’s Bostock v. Clayton County, a blockbuster decision that said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees against discrimination because they are gay or transgender. However, these cases matter to employers.

Employees’ biometric data in the workplace: the legal do’s and don’ts

Fingerprint scans for time cards … temperature screening for COVID … retina scans for security access. These increasingly common examples of biometric data also carry risks that employers should learn to mitigate.

Visit field operations to detect harassment, bias

If your organization has far-flung operations, get out of HQ and into the field as often as you can. Unannounced inspections are the best way to spot harassment and discrimination that could result in huge penalties.

Advice to ‘put on big girl panties’ backfires

When fielding a workplace harassment complaint, it may be tempting to suggest the alleged victim try to resolve the matter herself instead of filing a full-blown complaint with HR. That’s a terrible idea.