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Employment Law

9 employment-related executive orders that could disappear Jan. 20

Here are some of the most significant employment-related executive orders that could be on the chopping block.

Transition: Will Trump pump the brakes on a runaway NLRB?

Expect the NLRB’s aggressive moves to come to a halt once the board’s makeup is changed.

Who will be the next Secretary of Labor?

These three are among the names being floated as possible nominees to become the Trump administration’s Secretary of Labor, according to Politico.com.

With DTSA, trade secrets finally get federal protection

Employers now have a uniform federal law to help them pursue trade secret misappropriation claims.

Harassment litigation smolders at Minneapolis F.D.

One of the first women to be promoted to captain in the Minneapolis Fire Department has filed suit claiming her former superior, also a captain, sexually harassed her.

Beware time systems that automatically clock out

Be careful of timekeeping methods that automatically clock workers out at the end of the shift.

Court: Sleep apnea test legitimate for truckers with high body mass index

A federal appeals court has refused to reinstate a lawsuit over whether it constitutes an illegal medical test under the ADA to force someone with a high body mass index to undergo a sleep apnea test.

Win one part of a case, lose on retaliation

In a complex case, don’t assume that because one part of the claim is clearly meritless, the whole case will go away.

Always consider disability accommodations

Even if you believe no accommodation is possible for a disabled worker, the ADA requires you to at least consider the possibility.

More joint employer blues for McDonald’s parent company

Labor organizers claim they have named McDonald’s Corp. as a defendant in a series of sexual harassment complaints.