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Employment Law

Arbitration agreement applies after discharge

A federal court has ruled that an arbitration agreement that purported to apply to just about all possible employment-related claims now and in the future can also apply to subsequent failure-to-hire claims.

Transfer, training aren’t adverse actions

Transferring an employee to another position that pays the same and carries the same benefits as the original position is not an adverse employment action.

Shield promotion committee from previous complaints

Make sure your promotion decisions aren’t tainted by irrelevant information—such as whether an employee has filed discrimination complaints in the past.

If you ignore whistleblowers, prepare to pay

Two employers have recently learned this lesson the hard way.

Consistently apply progressive discipline

Progressive discipline may end up becoming a trap for employers that don’t scrupulously honor the underlying purpose of the rule being implemented.

Strip club’s stage lease doesn’t stop wage lawsuit

An exotic dancer at Philadelphia’s Gold Club can sue under the Fair Labor Standards Act, following a ruling by a federal appeals court panel.

Cut discrimination risk with audit for differing discipline

If you are about to punish a worker for poor performance, do a quick self-audit to see if other employees received similar punishment.

Manager’s ageist comment isn’t necessarily a kiss of death in court

It happens with disheartening frequency: A manager makes a stupid comment about an employee’s age that—in an HR pro’s worst nightmare—could lead to a nasty lawsuit.

Reporting racial slurs is protected activity

A worker reporting that a supervisor used a racially charged slur is protected from retaliation.

Think twice before firing complainer

If you have a worker who has complained about some form of discrimination, think twice before you terminate her.