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Employment Law

Easy way to accommodate disability? Then do it–or risk a lawsuit!

Stubbornly refusing to budge on a requested accommodation can cause an expensive and time-consuming lawsuit.

Document every ADA accommodation

Employers that grant disabled workers more flexibility in work requirements need to make sure they document every ADA accommodation request and every accommodation decision.

Tango Bakery can’t dance around OT requirements

The Department of Labor alleges that Tango Bakery’s owners failed to pay 20 workers $75,218 in overtime pay.

What kind of pregnancy and family leave rights do gestational surrogates have in California?

Q. One of our employees is a gestational surrogate for a woman who cannot carry a child. Is our employee entitled to pregnancy disability, FMLA or CFRA leave as a surrogate?

In contentious times, reaffirm your commitment to diversity

Now is a good time to consider taking steps to reinforce your commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Telling boss about disability counts as official notice

An employee doesn’t have to tell HR about a disability to gain protection from discrimination. It’s enough for the employee to tell her supervisor.

Is that harassment, or just obnoxious bullying?

Not every unpleasant workplace incident is grounds for a lawsuit.

Even in California, arbitration agreement can be valid if employee knowingly signed it

A federal court has ordered an FMLA interference case to be sent to arbitration pursuant to an agreement an employee signed when he was hired.

Timing is everything: Note when you first tell employee about any adverse action

If you orally inform an employee that she will not be getting a promotion, an accommodation or some other benefit, make sure you note when that happened and what you said.

A kiss is not just a kiss when it’s from the boss, and women don’t have to tolerate it

Female employees don’t have to put up with workplace behavior that makes them uncomfortable under the pretense of a supervisor being friendly and welcoming.