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Employment Law

Must we allow unlimited breaks for mothers to express breast milk?

Q. An employee just came into HR demanding that we provide her with unlimited breaks for expressing milk. Is this true? She said she read it at the Minnesota Department of Labor website.

Most of Minneapolis council supports $15 minimum wage

Although no specific ordinance is before the Minneapolis city council, more than half its members have publicly stated they support a $15 an hour minimum wage.

Vehicle modifications could jeopardize Motor Carrier Act overtime exemption

If you employ drivers and rely on the Motor Carrier Act to avoid paying those drivers overtime, be aware that any modification to vehicles that otherwise would fall under the law could so alter the vehicle that drivers are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act instead.

The law is enough: Handbook doesn’t create extraordinary right to sue for retaliation

Many state and federal statutes make it unlawful for employers to retaliate against employees who file internal discrimination complaints or otherwise claim that some wrongdoing has occurred. These laws have specific, and limited, remedies.

When bias charges loom, documentation proves discipline was warranted

When it comes to terminating an employee for poor performance, careful documentation is essential. Make sure you can later explain exactly how you handled the employee’s performance problems.

Isolated comments not enough for lawsuit

Worried about how to handle offensive co-worker comments? You certainly want to discourage such behavior and make clear it must stop. However, take comfort in knowing that a few stray comments over time won’t cost you a hostile work environment lawsuit.

OK to set high anti-harassment standard

When it comes to preventing harassment, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act sets a minimum threshold for compliance. Employers are free to hold employees to a higher standard.

Uber skids into sexual harassment ditch

Since February, ride-hailing colossus Uber has been roiled by accusations that its corporate culture condones rampant sexual harassment. The $70 billion company’s missteps since then have more closely resembled a train wreck than a safe and smooth ride home.

Not every suspension is retaliation

HR professionals sometimes warn managers that suspending an employee without pay can backfire—even if it’s for what seem like legitimate reasons. The problem is the potential for a retaliation lawsuit if the employee has previously complained about discrimination.

DOJ reverses course, will argue in favor of class-action waivers

In a move not seen in more than 35 years, the U.S. Department of Justice is switching sides in an upcoming Supreme Court case. The DOJ announced June 16 that it would no longer argue the employees’ case in NLRB v. Murphy Oil, backing management instead.