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Employment Law

After Minnesota Supreme Court ruling, new rules for whistleblowers

A unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court decision has made it considerably easier for workers to file—and win—whistleblower lawsuits under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act.

Be alert for positive drug test results caused by meds used to treat disabilities

Do you perform drug tests on employees suspected of being under the influence of intoxicants or illicit drugs? Be aware that some positive test results may be due to legal prescription drugs required for the treatment of disabilities.

Fixing harassment? Let complainer know

When responding to a harassment complaint, be sure to let the worker who complained know what steps you are taking. Acting behind the scenes while telling your employee to “deal with it” himself is one of the worst things you can do. That’s courting a retaliation lawsuit.

Penn grad student unionizing effort gets complicated

GET-UP, an organization allied with the American Federation of Teachers union, has been attempting to organize graduate student teaching assistants at the University of Pennsylvania. Independently of the university, grad students opposed to unionization formed a group called No Penn Union.

Make sure your good records are dated, too

When it comes to litigation, employers that keep meticulous performance records and can pinpoint exactly when they made important employment decisions typically fare better than those who keep sloppy records.

Utz chips in $2.5 million to settle with drivers

Snack food giant Utz Quality Foods has agreed to pay $2.5 million to almost 1,900 delivery drivers to resolve claims it failed to pay them overtime.

October spotlights disability employment

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and newly confirmed Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia is urging employers to step up recruiting and hiring disabled workers.

Weinstein harassment case could advance arbitration bill

Allegations of rampant sexual harassment and abuse by movie producer Harvey Weinstein might create momentum to pass legislation limiting the use of mandatory arbitration agreements in the workplace.

DOL jobs vacant as nominations lag

Of 14 Department of Labor appointments requiring Senate approval, only Labor Secretary Alex Acosta has been confirmed, and the White House has submitted just five more nominations.

Trump administration initiatives to affect HR

Three Trump administration policy reversals issued over the course of two days in early October could quickly begin affecting the HR practices of employers nationwide.