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Employment Law

Protect employee/witnesses from retaliation

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. While it’s illegal to retaliate against employees for filing a lawsuit, you …

You can require tests to determine ADA accommodations

Issue: How to meet your “interactive process” requirement with disabled employees to create accommodations.
Benefit: You can reject an employee’s accommodation request if the worker doesn’t cooperate in the interactive …

Stop ‘cybersquatters’ who try to hijack your Web address

Issue: How to secure the rights to Internet domain names that are related to your organization and its products.
Benefit: You have the legal right to prevent cybersquatters from usurping …

Beware bias against men who take FMLA leave

Would you think less highly of male applicants because they took leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Your first answer may be “No,” but a new study suggests …

Beware labor’s pitch to create union sympathizers

As AFL-CIO union membership continues to decline, it’s trying another tack: creating an army of nonunionized workers to rally support for its causes. Rather than organizing individual workplaces, this program, dubbed …

Employment contracts: Can your workers claim an ‘implied’ contract?

Issue: Drafting a legally sound employment contract and avoiding “implied contract” claims.
Benefit/risk: While employment contracts can offer your organization additional legal rights, they also expose you to new legal …

Don’t lower standards for disabled staff


Q. One of our employees has multiple sclerosis and isn’t meeting our production standard, which calls for 70 percent production level. This employee is achieving only a 59 percent level. From an ADA standpoint, what would be a reasonable accommodation? —M.R., Pennsylvania

Beware Time-Clock Inconsistencies


Q. Our employees punch in 15 minutes or less before their warehouse shifts begin. We pay them starting at their scheduled start time. Also, our employees are scheduled for 30-minute lunch breaks, but some punch in and out for lunch within 10 or 15 minutes. Our company pays the full lunch time, regardless of what is punched. Is this OK? —J.W., Indiana

Stop disgruntled staff from hijacking your Web domains

Issue: Former employees with an ax to grind against your organization can register Web domain names that your organization may want for itself. Benefit: You can prevent them from doing …

Don’t delay on FMLA decision; act quickly or risk liability

Issue: Notifying employees that their leave qualifies under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Risk: Courts tend to resolve borderline FMLA eligibility disputes in favor of employees. Action: …