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Employment Law

Rehiring ex-employees? Be wary of hidden legal risks

Issue: Many organizations rebounding from the economic slump are rehiring former employees.
Risk: You face special legal dangers when bringing back people who were laid off, fired or quit on …

New law may help save money when settling lawsuits

A little-noticed piece of a new tax law allows victorious plaintiffs in discrimination cases to take a full tax deduction for their attorney’s fees and court costs. Until now, for example, …

Move your career forward by avoiding ‘Foot-in-Mouth’ disease


Issue: All the talent in the world won’t help if your mouth works against you.
Risk: A penchant to blurt out inappropriate comments at work can undermine your credibility with …

Reinstate employees right after leave; don’t delay

Issue: Employees’ right to immediate reinstatement when returning from leave covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Risk: Any delay in returning employees to their jobs after FMLA …

Bilingual bias: Don’t overwork staff who speak multiple languages

You’re free to assign employees based on their foreign-language ability. For example, you can assign bilingual Spanish-speaking employees to serve customers who
speak Spanish.
But remind managers not to …

Retaliatory job reference is illegal even if a person’s hiring was unlikely

When you provide references about former employees, keep quiet about whether the ex-employee had sued the company in the past. And train managers to do the same. Spilling the beans about …

Erase ideas of ‘implied contract’ with repeated at-will statements

Make sure all versions of your company policies, whether in employee handbooks, online policies or even offer letters, contain clear at-will employment statements.
As this ruling shows, you won’t be …

Return employees to their jobs promptly after FMLA leave

When employees tell you they’re ready to return from leave taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), restore their jobs as soon as possible. Once employees are capable of …

Protecting workers from harassment isn’t a ‘one and done’ deal

Your best defense against a hostile environment claim is proof that you took quick and effective steps to stop the hostility. But courts won’t look kindly on your efforts if you …

Illness controlled by medication may still be considered a ‘disability’

Here’s a vexing question faced by many HR professionals: Can employees be considered “disabled” under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) even if their disability can be controlled by medication or …