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Employment Law

Found liable for discrimination? You’ll owe back pay, even if fired worker starts a new business


When employees lose their jobs because of alleged discrimination, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) can award them lost wages based on the difference between their past earnings and what they currently make as self-employed individuals, …

Target learns cost of ignoring an abusive manager: $775,000


Retail giant Target recently shelled out $775,000 to settle an EEOC lawsuit over the treatment of 13 black workers at its Springfield store …

KKK videos and swastikas cause AK Steel Corp. to lose bias suit


AK Steel Corp. will pay $600,000 to seven black employees and an employee’s estate to settle a hostile environment case at its Butler facility …

Forcing retirement at age 65 lands AFCO in legal hot water


Chambersburg-based Alex C. Fergusson Inc. (AFCO) must pay $50,000 to a salesman after forcing him into retirement at age 65 …

Rendell’s health care reform plan sparks tax risk


Pennsylvanians are more likely than the average American to go to the emergency room for treatment, a problem targeted by Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposed “Prescription for Pennsylvania” reform plan …

TV station employee returns stolen documents … in shreds!


You may remember reading about the Pittsburgh TV station employee who allegedly swiped e-mail and documents left on employees’ desks as evidence for a discrimination lawsuit …

Study: Female directors not paid equally at western Pa. nonprofits


Men who lead nonprofits in western Pennsylvania earn about $42,000 more on average than women who do so, according to a recent study by the Robert Morris University’s Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management …

Commission targets Penn State after rash of discrimination suits


For the fourth time in the past year and a half, a Penn State professor has filed a federal discrimination case …

OSHA Compliance: Fly Under the Radar of Beefed-Up Inspections


The Occupational Safety and Health Act is the main federal law requiring employers to provide a safe and healthy workplace. In recent years, OSHA has cranked up its enforcement, especially targeting employers that are repeat or “willful” violators

You can insist on bilingual ability if the job requires it


Many employers have run afoul of federal discrimination law by requiring all employees to speak only English at all times. The EEOC has said employers can only set such “English-only” rules if they can show a clear business need …