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Employment Law

Throwing the book at a worker: A good lawsuit defense


When faced with an employee who has committed numerous rule violations, do you pick the most serious one and act on that? If so, you may want to rethink that strategy …

Reacting to harassment complaint: First-Day Action Is Vital


If you don’t have an action plan in place for responding to sexual harassment complaints, develop one now. Don’t wait until the phone rings or an e-mail arrives detailing sexual wrongdoing. By then, it may be too late …

Check your subcontractor contracts for details of workers’ comp coverage


If you subcontract work, double-check the contract’s provisions on which party pays for workers’ compensation coverage. If you don’t, you may find your organization on the hook for injuries to the subcontractor’s employees …

How far must you go in Florida to protect employees’ data?


In the process of recruiting, hiring, firing and just running a business, employers accumulate a large amount of personal data from applicants, employees and business associates. Florida law requires employers to take reasonable steps to safeguard such personal data

Deciding on promotion? Purge file of prior litigious actions


When it’s time to decide on promotions, do you send employees’ personnel files over to a supervisor or hiring committee to help make the decisions? Make sure the files don’t contain references to past discrimination claims or investigations. Otherwise, you could be inviting a passed-over candidate to sue for retaliation

Using independent contractors? Check your workers’ comp policy for legal time bombs


If your organization routinely hires independent contractors, be aware that the language in your workers’ compensation insurance contracts could contain legal problems …

Be aware of different OT rules for first responders


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires you to pay overtime to hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek. But the rules are different for firefighters: They’re paid OT only after they work a specified number of hours in an entire month

Surprise, surprise: Employees at even smallest Georgia companies can file harassment lawsuits


Conventional wisdom holds that if you have fewer than 15 employees, workers can’t sue you for sexual harassment in Georgia. Well, conventional wisdom is wrong …

HR director arrested for handing out Xanax at work


Here’s a classic study of HR run amok: A bitter feud at the Brooksville Police Department has prompted the city manager to resign and led to the suspension of the police chief, a lieutenant and the HR director …

Chaos unleashed: Animal shelter staff howls about top dog’s behavior


Fighting, horseplay, unreported accidents: You might expect those kinds of antics at the local animal shelter, but not from the staff  …