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Employment Law

Don’t tell employee’s new boss about his prior complaints


If an employee is suffering from performance problems and wants a transfer to another supervisor or position, be careful which details in the person’s history you share with the new manager. That’s especially true if the employee has a history of filing legal complaints …

Workers fail to give FMLA proof? Cut ‘Em loose


Q. One of our employees had been out sick for two months. We’ve received a doctor’s note that just says he’s unable to work and that a return date is undetermined. We faxed and mailed FMLA paperwork, but it hasn’t been returned. Meanwhile, the employee is receiving disability benefits through our short-term disability plan. How do we calculate the start of FMLA leave? From the date the disability payment began? And if we never get the FMLA paperwork back, can we terminate him? —T.B., Tennessee

Clarifying the partial-Day deduction rule


Q. I have a question about the partial-day deduction rule. I don’t understand how we can deduct from salaried employees’ paid-leave bank when they are gone for an hour or two during the day since we don’t pay them anything extra when they work 50 hours in a week. For example, if an employee works 10-hour days on a regular basis, is it OK to charge her vacation time when she leaves an hour or two early? —J.H., Minnesota

DHS finds that an illegal ‘Hostile environment’ can flare up quickly


What can you say in the space of two hours to constitute a “severe and pervasive” hostile work environment that would be enough to justify a lawsuit? …

Preserve records or face jury’s wrath on overtime pay


If you get wind of a possible lawsuit over unpaid overtime, make sure all your payroll records remain intact and available. Don’t crank up the shredder. If you dispose of related documents, the penalties under Ohio law can be especially harsh

Personality Conflict With the Boss Isn’t a ‘Disability’


Employees who claim an ADA-protected disability will have to cite more than a simple personality clash with their boss. Such conflicts won’t win an ADA lawsuit even if working with a particular supervisor makes the employee anxious, depressed and angry …

Establish rules on internal promotions to avoid lawsuits


When it comes to internal promotions, you’re on the safest legal ground if you set clear procedures. That way, employees who don’t land coveted promotions can’t claim the reason was discrimination …

Make sure your arbitration agreement is valid in Ohio


Arbitrating employment disputes in lieu of going to federal court can save your organization time and money if the agreement sticks. But just one mistake in drafting and implementing the agreement could end up costing you more, not less …

Toledo firefighters face termination for illegal tapings


The Toledo fire chief has recommended terminating three female firefighters after discovering they had secretly taped workplace conversations …

Goodyear to pay $925,000 to settle gender bias suit


Akron-based Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. will pay $925,000 to a class of more than 800 women whom it turned down for tire-making jobs in its Danville, Va., plant in 1998 and 1999 …