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Employment Law

Philadelphia police officer charged with coercing 2003 sex show


The Philadelphia Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division recently released the results of its investigation into a 2003 incident in which an officer jailed two Philadelphia women, who were never charged with a crime, and then ordered them to undress and perform sex acts on each other

‘Pig’ kept right on working; hospital going straight to court


A former critical care director at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Passavant has filed suit against the hospital claiming gender discrimination and retaliation …

When and how you can use ‘English-Only’ rules in the workplace


Philadelphia landmark Geno’s Steaks made headlines when it posted a sign that reads, “This is America. When ordering, please speak English” … Although the Geno’s case deals with an attempt to apply an “English-only” rule to customers, it highlights a growing issue in U.S. workplaces …

Does health insurance discriminate against single or childless workers?


Q. My company pays health insurance for all spouses, children and domestic partners of my co-workers. I am single and don’t have children or a domestic partner. Am I being discriminated against since they receive more benefits than I do?

Do a Passed-Over Worker’s Complaints Against a New Boss Count as Harassment?


Q. A more senior employee was recently passed over for a promotion because a newer employee is clearly more qualified. Now that this person is the boss, the more senior employee has filed several petty complaints against her. Although we are aware that these complaints are completely invalid, as the HR department, we have to take them seriously. But it is a shame for the new supervisor to have the complaints piling up in her file. Is this considered harassment?

Personal liability for HR professionals?


Q. I know that my company can be sued by my current and former employees for its employment actions. Do I, as an HR professional, have personal liability for my participation in employment decisions?

How to discuss late hours without bringing up family obligations


Q. We have a position open in our sales department for someone who will be planning and executing company-sponsored events, most of which would take place outside normal 9-to-5 working hours. Is there a way we can ask about the applicants’ family situations and make it clear that missing these events because of family obligations would not be tolerated?

Revising crisis plan? Consider disabled workers’ needs


In light of April’s shootings at Virginia Tech, organizations are taking a fresh look at their evacuation and emergency notification procedures. When you review yours, resist the well-intentioned temptation to lessen risk by shunting aside disabled employees

Manager who did the hiring also should do the firing


It may be a good idea to track who in your organization makes the decisions to hire specific employees. That way, those managers can also be part of the decision to discharge employees who turn out to be duds …

Seek accommodations even if the effort seems impossible


As soon as an employee makes it known that he needs accommodations, it’s up to the employer to start an interactive accommodations process, even if it turns out that no accommodation is possible …