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Employment Law

Employee running errand still covered by comp


The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that a construction superintendent killed in an auto accident was covered by workers’ compensation benefits, even though he was on leave to run personal errands at the time of the crash …

Assembly shoots down bill to allow guns in the parking lot


The Georgia General Assembly dropped Senate Bill 43, which would have forced employers to let workers keep guns in their cars in company parking lots. The action came just days after the Virginia Tech massacre that left 33 dead …

FLSA and Georgia law: Figuring overtime pay for commission employees


Georgia’s labor code contains no overtime exemption for commission-paid employees, but the federal Fair Labor Standards Act does. Georgia employers largely follow the federal law because it’s more stringent than state law. So employees who are paid on a commission basis are exempt from overtime laws, right?

OSHA renews effort to regulate ergonomic hazards


OSHA has begun contacting employers that were sent Ergonomic Hazard Alert Letters over the past five years. It’s the agency’s latest effort in its 20-year battle to regulate ergonomic hazards

OSHA to Clarify Protective-Equipment Standard


Who pays for an employee’s personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves and steel-toed shoes): the employer or the employee? Federal regulations are unclear in most cases. But that may be changing

New study turns up heat on child labor compliance


Many teenagers operate hazardous equipment at work and fail to receive appropriate safety training, according to a new study by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health …

Overqualified new hire? Look out for sex disparity


Have you offered a well-qualified applicant a lower-ranking position than her experience indicates she’s qualified to perform? If so, better make sure there’s no sex disparity in your hiring patterns …

Recalled employee may be eligible for FMLA leave


When employees are temporarily laid off with the right to return during a recall, all the regular rules for FMLA time off apply on the day of the recall. That’s because a break in service doesn’t destroy the employee’s eligibility …

Prepare to justify why your hire beat rest of applicants


Do you routinely receive many applications from people who are clearly well-qualified for open positions? If so, how can you safely narrow the field to only the most qualified? The larger the applicant pool, the more likely it is someone will sue for discrimination

Don’t be caught by surprise: Spell out harassment policy


Your anti-discrimination and harassment policy won’t help much if employees don’t know it exists or how to make complaints. If they suffer in silence, the first you’ll know about harassment may be when you receive an EEOC or a New Jersey Division of Civil Rights complaint