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Employment Law

Equal-Pay Bills Defined by ‘Work of Comparable Value’


Michigan Democrats are pushing several bills aimed at closing the earnings gap between women and men. House Bills 4625-4627 and Senate Bill 417 would broaden anti-discrimination laws to require equal pay for “work of comparable value”

Migrant Workers: How You Gonna Keep ‘Em Down on the Farm?


Fearing labor shortages even higher than last year’s 20 to 25 percent, Michigan farmers are appealing to Congress to streamline the current H-2A visa program, allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the United States without penalties …

Michigan supervisors can be personally liable for discrimination


Can a supervisor be sued personally for alleged acts of discrimination in Michigan? Based on a January decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals, the answer is yes …

Striking employees forfeit unemployment comp


Q. We are in contract negotiations, and there is some concern that our employees will actually vote to go out on strike. Are striking employees eligible for unemployment compensation benefits in Michigan?—F.B.

Docking pay isn’t legal; rounding time normally is


Q. Is it permissible to dock pay for someone who clocks in late? We pay the employee for actual hours worked to the nearest quarter hour, but we also dock tardy employees an additional quarter hour.—P.P.

Cell phones in plant: Must we bargain with union?


Q. Our company has a union contract with work rules. We also have the right in the contract to change the work rules, which the union can grieve. We recently exercised our right to add a new rule prohibiting cell phones in the plant. The union hasn’t filed a grievance, but it has filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board. It claims that we are obligated to bargain over the new rule. Are we obligated to bargain over a new rule like this?—R.S.

Michigan OSHA inspection


Q. Michigan’s labor department has sent us a letter stating that a MIOSHA safety officer will be coming to inspect our facility regarding an employee’s safety complaint. Are we obligated to let the safety officer come into our plant and question our employees? Will the officer tell us who filed the complaint?—C.B.

Review per diem reimbursements: IRS looking closer


Make sure you’re closely tracking expense reimbursements. Since the beginning of 2007, the IRS has issued a stern warning …

Train managers to act immediately on leave requests


Unless you train supervisors and managers to forward all FMLA requests immediately to the HR office, you may find your organization on the losing end of a lawsuit for interfering with an employee’s right to take medical leave …

Use confidentiality clause to guard against ‘Litigation theft’


Employees pursuing legal actions against their employers sometimes snoop around to see what documentary “evidence” of wrongdoing they can find around the office. Protect yourself by having a clear policy against such unauthorized document distribution