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Employment Law

No expectation of privacy on work PCs


Q.  An employee recently complained that she had received pornographic e-mail messages and links to X-rated web sites from some of her co-workers. I want to review these messages — and other messages these guys have sent — to figure out exactly how large a problem I’m facing. Can I do this?

Time off for special-needs child


Q. Our office secretary is the backbone of our company. Her son is in special education, and she periodically asks for time off to attend various school conferences and meetings about his progress. I don’t want to be stingy, but her absences really create problems for us. Do I have to allow her to take time off for these meetings?

Few women on staff? Watch for hostile-Environment claims


Employers could violate the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) even if they don’t intend to discriminate …

Vague disability isn’t an excuse for special treatment


To make sure employees who really aren’t disabled don’t get special treatment, HR professionals need to understand what constitutes a disability and what’s just a minor ailment …

National security trumps national-Origin claims


Even in a post-Sept. 11, 2001, environment, employers know they can’t use national origin or religion as an excuse to discharge or refuse to hire employees.

Accommodation doesn’t need to match employee’s request


Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on their religion and requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for religious practices. But the requirement isn’t absolute …

State’s whistle-Blower retaliation law may reach NJ companies with foreign subsidiaries


New Jersey companies with operations or facilities in foreign countries can find themselves being sued in-state, even if the alleged whistle-blowers work overseas …

Racial gangster jokes cost Perth Amboy police $1.9 million


A Middlesex County jury awarded $1.9 million to Perth Amboy police officer Guadelupe Munoz for racial insults and jokes he suffered after becoming the department’s first Mexican-American officer in 2000 …

NJ Senate bill puts paid family leave on the horizon


The Senate Budget Committee approved a bill May 24 that would grant paid family leave to the employees of most New Jersey businesses …

River Vale to pay $75,000 for mayor’s conduct


The township of River Vale settled a lawsuit with Police Chief Aaron Back over harassment by former Mayor George Paschalis. Back testified that Paschalis repeatedly threatened to fire him …