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Employment Law

Monitor to make sure harassment really has stopped

It sometimes happens: Production floor or other entry-level employees lacking a—shall we say—sophisticated outlook on life go a little too far. Perhaps they play a practical joke that is offensive to a co-worker. Someone complains, and HR investigates. The culprits apologize, and everything settles down. Is the organization in the clear? …

Firing shortly after follow-up FMLA care may be retaliation

As more time passes after an employee takes FMLA leave, courts grow less and less likely to link an adverse employment action to taking leave. That means employees have a harder and harder time proving that being fired, for example, was retaliation for exercising their FMLA leave rights. But be careful …

Personal dislike not enough to win discrimination lawsuit

We’re all different, and personality conflicts are a fact of life. But even if some supervisors and subordinates may not be on the best of terms, minor slights and unfair treatment aren’t enough for a discrimination lawsuit …

Stick to the facts when firing employee who complained of discrimination

Employers say the darnedest things at the wrong time. Take, for example, a termination meeting. This is not the time to be defensive and anticipate the employee’s discrimination charges. Instead, stick with the hard facts: why the company has decided that termination is necessary …

CHR crude, lewd—But not discriminatory

Julie Gallagher joined the Cleveland office of logistics company C.H. Robinson Worldwide (CHR) as a sales rep. She quit four months later in disgust over what she described as “a guys’ locker room” atmosphere. Gallagher sued, alleging the environment was hostile toward women, but the court ruled against her …

Labor Dept. proposes extensive revisions to FMLA regulations

The U.S Labor Department has announced proposed revisions to the FMLA regulations.  And the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 amended the FMLA to provide leave for eligible employees to care for injured service members and to deal with any “qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that a covered family member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty …

Advice, please: How should we implement our first severance pay packages?

Q. Due to economic conditions, we are planning to let go three employees from our 30-person work force. We are planning to provide these employees with four weeks’ pay if they sign a release of all claims. We have never provided severance pay before and have no policies governing the practice. What advice can you give us? …

How to legally verify workers’ ages

Q. We run an amusement park. We have many jobs that can only be done by people of certain ages. For some jobs, employees must be at least 15, while others have minimum ages of 16, 18 and 21. What is the legal way for us to verify the age of an applicant on an employment application in Ohio? …

Can we ask employee to use paid leave before receiving workers’ comp benefits

Q. Can an employee who is receiving workers’ compensation wage continuation benefits be required to use sick, vacation and personal leave time to cover days missed due to the work-related injury? …

FMLA leave even if paperwork is lacking?

Q. Can an employee be required to use FMLA leave if the required paperwork has not been completed by the employee or signed by the employee’s physician? …