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Employment Law

Caution: Hiring applicant who signed noncompete spells trouble

As noncompetition agreements become more and more popular with employers, it’s becoming easier for you to unknowingly hire someone who has already signed an agreement with a previous employer. All the ensuing complications lead more employers to ask themselves whether they should (or even can) legally hire an employee bound by a noncompete agreement with a former employer …

Using subcontractors during a strike

Q. We are putting together a strike contingency plan. One option we have considered is subcontracting out certain jobs for the duration of a strike. Are we obligated to bargain with the union over subcontracting during a strike? Do we have to raise this issue with the union before the union goes out on strike? …

How far can MDCR investigation go?

Q. Our company is responding to a charge filed with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). The allegation relates to management’s treatment of one employee. However, during the investigation, the MDCR  asked us to produce various unrelated records—for example, promotion records. The charging party has made no claim that he was discriminated against with respect to any promotion. He has never even sought a promotion. How should we respond to this request? …

Applications and date of birth

Q. We use a standardized employment application form. One of the questions on the form asks for the applicant’s date of birth. We have been told that it is illegal to ask for this information, as it might lead to age discrimination. Is this true? …

Discrimination-Free environment required, perfection a bonus

The workplace has never been nor will it ever be utopia. Managers and supervisors won’t always see eye to eye with employees. Conflict is almost inevitable. Thus, courts don’t expect employers to provide perfect workplaces free of all strife. Judges expect employers to obey discrimination laws, but they also realize that not every slight or inconvenience is evidence of discrimination …

Make suggested ADA accommodation offer in writing

Under the ADA, disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations that enable them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. And employers are required to engage in what the law calls “an interactive process” to determine what accommodations may be possible. But “interactive” doesn’t imply you should approach the process casually …

Contemplating a RIF? Use clear criteria for who loses job

In these difficult times, your organization may have to undergo a reduction in force (RIF). If you do, it pays to develop objective standards for who can stay and who must go. By outlining your plan and sticking with it, you reduce your chance of losing a lawsuit a former employee might bring. Remember that fired employees will visit an attorney, who will try to find a reason to sue you …

Before canceling health insurance, beware FMLA trap that could cost big bucks

If, like many employers, you provide health insurance benefits to full-time employees but not part-time ones, you may be tempted to cancel coverage as soon as an employee falls to part-time status. But what if the employee is eligible for FMLA leave? Canceling may not be an option—and can lead to a big jury award …

Ignoring harassment? You may be hit with more than claims

Ignore complaints about any kind of harassment, and you may soon find that the employee who complained will hit your organization with more than just claims under federal Title VII and the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA). He or she also may sue for common-law claims like assault and battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress …

Radio station manager’s promises strike a sour note

Kassie Dargo worked on-air and in sales at classic rock WLUP-FM radio in Chicago. In March 2007, Rob Morris, program director of Clear Channel’s top-40 KDWB-FM in Minneapolis, contacted Dargo to recruit her for a morning co-host position …