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Employment Law

Tale of two cases: How to avoid costly FMLA and ADA mistakes

Two recent cases exemplify how easy it is for an unaware and unprepared employer to run afoul of employment laws. In one, an employer’s handbook promised more benefits than the law required the company to provide. In another, the employer transferred a disabled employee apparently just to ease a supervisor’s discomfort with dealing with a disabled staff member …

Porn on PCs: How far must you go to block it?

Perhaps because controlling Internet access to pornographic images isn’t technically difficult, and because word tends to get around pretty quickly if a co-worker is showing porn to co-workers, courts now are clamping down more on employers that don’t do enough to make sure the workplace is not a sexual cesspool …

Supreme Court rules CHRA sole state discrimination remedy


The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that employees who want to sue for most kinds of employment discrimination under Texas state law must use the provisions of the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act. They can’t sue under the Texas Whistleblower Act in an effort to sidestep the CHRA’s rather complex procedures or miss its short filing deadlines …

Prepare layoff rationale before handing out the pink slips


Sometimes, an employer needs to downsize its workforce for any number of reasons. Whatever the reason, document why you need to cut staff before you announce the layoffs. You don’t necessarily owe every affected employee an explanation—in advance—of why his or her job is being eliminated. But you will need a clear, coherent and rational explanation later if one of the employees sues …

You can reassign employee whose spouse made FMLA claim


Employers know they can’t retaliate against employees for speaking with EEOC investigators about possible discrimination … But what about simply standing by as a spouse or significant other sues the same employer? Do you have to worry that
any job changes for the silent spouse will spur a successful retaliation lawsuit?

Public employers aren’t immune to FMLA reinstatement requirements


Public employers aren’t required to abide by all sections of the FMLA because they have limited immunity from federal lawsuits. For example, state employees taking leave under the FMLA’s self-care provisions can’t sue for money damages. But recently the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that immunity does not extend to a claim for reinstatement after an employee takes FMLA leave …

Don’t let disability assumptions lead you to believe employee can’t work at all


Employers that wrongly regard injured employees as disabled by refusing to consider them for any open positions may be setting themselves up for “regarded as disabled” litigation. The ADA makes it illegal to discriminate against employees by assuming they are disabled when they are not …

Don’t sugarcoat reason for termination


Sometimes, you just know that the reason a supervisor offers in a memo or e-mail for wanting to fire someone is going to look suspicious if the employee ever sues. If you can’t persuade the supervisor to reconsider, resist the temptation to help sugarcoat the situation with a neutral-sounding reason. It will only make matters worse when the employee’s lawyer inevitably discovers the memo or e-mail …

EEOC files bias suit on behalf of Sikh worker


The EEOC recently filed a lawsuit against the Champion National Security Firm in Richardson, alleging the Texas company did not hire a Sikh who refused to shave his beard and remove his turban. The EEOC is seeking punitive damages, back pay and compensation for pain and suffering caused to Sukhdev Singh Brar …

Appeals court overturns $33 million verdict against hospital


In 2006, a federal district court let stand a verdict for $33 million in favor of Dr. Lawrence Poliner, a cardiologist who sued Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and several hospital physicians after they suspended his hospital privileges for five months following a review of his work.  In a highly anticipated decision, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has overruled that verdict …