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Employment Law

REDA provides whistle-blower protection during some internal investigations, too


Until recently, it was unclear whether reporting unsafe or illegal working conditions to an internal auditor or another responsible party was “protected activity” under the North Carolina Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA). Now a federal court has decided that REDA may cover internal reports …

Good news: EEPA does not include retaliation claims


North Carolina employers have one less thing to worry about: A federal trial court recently decided the North Carolina Equal Employment Practices Act (EEPA) does not allow employees to file separate retaliation claims on top of initial discrimination complaints …

Fired state ethics whistle-blower fights back


Amanda Thaxton, a former office assistant at the North Carolina State Ethics Commission, has filed a whistle-blower lawsuit claiming she was fired in retaliation for speaking with the State Auditor’s Office about possible protocol violations …

Serenex chemist sold pharmaceutical secrets to Chinese


Serenex, the Durham-based biopharmaceutical company, is due to collect $57.5 million from two Chinese companies and a former Serenex employee who Wake County Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens said conspired to steal trade secrets. But it’s doubtful Serenex will ever collect the money …

Employer wins battle to withdraw recognition of struggling union


The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction in North Carolina, recently ruled that an employer could withdraw recognition of a union if it can present “substantial objective evidence” that most employees no longer support the union. The decision gives employers a road map for handling situations where a union has lost the backing of the employees …

Learn all about the ADA Amendments Act of 2008


HR Specialist will be covering the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 in depth. We’ll catalog all our stories on this page. Consider bookmarking it so you can check back regularly to see what’s new.

Take steps to stop pervasive anti-female attitudes, practices


When you think of a sexually hostile work environment, the scenario usually involves crude sex talk, bawdy photos and other prurient activities. But those aren’t the only markers of a hostile environment. In fact, a pervasive anti-female attitude that has nothing to do with sex can lead to a lawsuit, too …

Ban obviously racist comments, or prepare to face EEOC discrimination lawsuit


Some talk doesn’t belong at work. Period. If you don’t ban racist comments, you’ll probably face an EEOC lawsuit …

Lukewarm response to racism leads to walkout


Eighteen workers filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) against retail hardware supplier Crown Bolt in August to protest racist graffiti in the Carlisle warehouse where they worked …

Company owes back wages after misclassifying traveling workers


The Pennsylvania Department of Labor (DOL) has ordered Lebanon-based Pennsylvania Counseling Services (PCS) to pay $196,477 in back wages to 203 mobile employees who were improperly classified as exempt from overtime …