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Employment Law

FSU athletics tutor sues for defamation


Brenda Monk, a former learning specialist for Florida State University (FSU), has announced plans to file a $600,000 lawsuit for defamation following allegations that she provided test answers to FSU football players and other athletes she was tutoring.

Florida staffing company owes NY workers $113,000


Star One Staffing, based in Coral Gables, has agreed to pay $113,000 in back wages and damages to 70 Filipino workers to settle charges brought by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

Port Everglades firm fined after fatal cargo ship accident


OSHA has fined Florida Transportation Services more than $88,000 for safety violations that killed three workers in May 2007. James Cason, Rene Dutertre and Hayman Sooknanan suffocated after inhaling argon gas that leaked from the cargo hold…

Understand, prepare to follow the new revised FMLA regulations


The long-awaited revised and updated final rules of the U.S. Department of Labor interpreting the FMLA will go into effect on Jan.16. HR specialists should read the new regulations and then review them with an employment attorney. Also, they should promptly develop special training on new rules and procedures for supervisors and employees alike.

Log all discipline, track it by type & offense


It goes without saying that you should enforce your rules fairly. That’s why you must track every disciplinary action and make a clear record of why each employee earned his discipline. Later, when one of those employees claims the real reason he was fired was due to age, sex or some other protected classification, you can show that wasn’t the case.

Follow up on every harassment complaint


The best way to prevent a lawsuit is to promptly respond to every harassment complaint you receive from employees. Conduct a thorough investigation, reach a conclusion and document that you followed up and found no further problems. Be especially sure to show how you counseled or disciplined the harasser…

Delta uses Minnesota jobs as a bargaining chip


A Delta Air Lines official recently told state legislators the airline would consider keeping more operations in the Twin Cities if the Metropolitan Airports Commission agreed not to force early repayment of bonds owed by Northwest Airlines, which Delta acquired in October.

Be prepared to grant FMLA leave for diagnosis of serious health condition


Routine doctors’ appointments such as checkups or annual physicals aren’t considered eligible for FMLA leave, but appointments aimed at diagnosing a condition may be. Employers that know the employee is seeing a specialist as part of the followup to an auto accident, for example, are on notice that the employee may need to take FMLA leave …

It’s OK to ban prescription drugs if you have genuine safety concerns


Employees who take certain prescription drugs for legitimate medical conditions may be unable to work safely if their jobs involve heavy machinery, split-second judgment or the ability to remain alert. If that’s the case, it’s not disability discrimination to ban employees from working while on those medications.

Stop ‘who said what’ lawsuits: Draft policy disavowing oral pay agreements


Oral agreements concerning compensation and bonus payments can be enforced in court, and that can lead to tricky “who said what” legal problems. Those are problems you can easily prevent with the help of good legal counsel.